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"I am very disappointed in you four, I didn't think first years could be so much trouble! But I might expect this from James."
"Headmaster, we're so sorry, we really are, was an accident."
" Oh, Rose, so it is an accident to be up,and about AFTER lights out is it? NO, NO ITS NOT!
"I'm sorry Headmaster, we shouldn't have."
"I know............I know."
I suppose you all are wondering what happened that night, hmmm? Well it sorta went like this:
As I went up to the door I could here no one awake so I went in. I crept lightly as moved towards James's bed and stole a glance at his face, sound asleep and peaceful , good. I looked through the little desk that James had brought almond and found it at the bottom drawer, under a book, and I looked there because I know James doesn't read!
I crept out and quietly shut the door behind me, but, Daniel started yelling right at that moment!
A boy came rushing out and crashed into me and we both fell down the stairs, making as much racket as we possibly could while doing so.
"OWWWWWWWW" the boy howled.
" I-I-I think you BROKE IT!"
"Shush", I said," you don't have to milk it, it isn't so bad."
And then to make it all worse, of course my lovely cousin James came out and saw us all tumbled down in a mess of limbs and the only one standing the only one who he was going to blame, was Albus, poor Albus was shaking so bad at the sight of his angry brother that I thought he was going to brake down right then and there, but to his credit he didn't. He did the next cowardly thing you would think of, he ran, my fav. cousin was standing next to me one moment then gone the next.
"So, whose idea was this somebody put James's little brother out here then wake James up, and finally make my brother run, before I could get him!
I untangled myself from the idiot who was still crying about his leg and said :
"My idea, James don't blame anyone but me."
"Well what exactly was your idea, hmm?"
"We were going were going to try to scare you, to make a lot of noise then hide then make more noise then hide and do over and over until you screamed. Easy." I. was s ""

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