Hermione and Her Three Children

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I am going to have to either restrain Ron or kill him and I think the second one is a more permanent solution.
Hermione Weasley has been married to Ron Weasley a number of years and has loved every minute, even when Ron acted like her third child.
"Ron you are either going to put Rosie down or be Babysitter for the rest of the week"
" Mione I am enjoying our two year old as long as I can, and when she enters Hogwarts do you think she's going to want to come home for the holiday once she enters?"
"We'll, I was hoping she would since we're her family."
" We'll she might not so we better enjoy her while we can."
" Well Ron you might also want to notice that our one year old is hanging on your leg while you're levitating. He might get hurt and then we would have to go to the hospital, then we would get bills, then money would get tight, then......"
"Hermione you worry enough for all of England!"
"I have to worry because you never do!"
" I do to worry, I worry about when Rosie goes to Hogwarts and Malfoy's boy enters Hogwarts WITH Rose in the SAME year, and that she, like her mum, will almost get killed by a troll in the bathroom!"
This makes Hermione laugh, Ron always worries about the silliest things, but in all actuality, she was going to be worried about Malfoy's boy being with Rose, she certainly doesn't want a repeat of her experience at Hogwarts for her daughter.
"Well you're going to stop anyway because we have to see Harry and Ginney's new baby it was born yesterday and we still haven't gone."
" Alright Mione I'll go get the kids ready just because I troubled you"
"Thank you, you perfect gentleman!"
" In your dreams, my love!"

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