Part 1

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"Lucifer Morningstar, the Fallen One, I hereby vow my unhinged allegiance to you, oh, Unholy One. If you let me be killed by the eternal flame, it is going to be your loss, my liege." Samuel proclaimed.
"Would you care to elucidate the whole court Angel Samuel on how would that be a loss for me?" Lucifer spoke as his voice tightened.
His courtiers and Samuel knew Lucifer was losing patience. He just wanted to avenge the crimes and transgressions committed in his realm.
" A greater evil has set afoot, bigger than us, brother. The Almighty has made a disastrous error in judgement. He won't show but it is something that has him feared too. Heaven and hell must become one for the time being. You will need me when the time comes. " Angel Samuel whimpered.
" I was imprisoned in this realm by our Father, why should I help him rectify his mistake," Lucifer grunted.
" The evil is looming over us, Brother. The mortal realm, as well as the angelic realm, is at the peril of being vanished from existence. It will go back to the old ways. You can feel the darkness coming too. Can't you, Brother? "
" You tried to manipulate Hecate so you could sneak into my realm. MY REALM. I SHOULD SLITHER YOUR NECK JUST FOR THAT. And here you are trying to manipulate me into believing another one of your stories." Lucifer angered.
" I didn't manipulate Hecate, I am in love with her. Yes, I admit my intentions weren't moral at the start but my feelings for her have deepened since then. She has forgiven my error in judgement. So should you, Brother." Angel Samuel pleaded.
"Your plea would not be heard by me. As I fully intend to punish Father for his blunder by showcasing your slithered head from your carcass and then I'll deal with the so-called evil you're blabbering about." Lucifer said powerfully.
"After you slither my throat your demise would become inevitable. Go on showcase how you're going to defeat the evil that you know nothing of. The old ones are returning to feed on your souls and leave you hollow," Samuel knew Lucifer didn't stand a chance against the Prime; the old ones.


Before the garden of Eden, every angel had to live on Earth for a week without using their angelic powers. After Angel Marcel, it was Lucifer's turn to visit earth. The Almighty made the necessary preparations personally as he wished to overlook each and every move Lucifer would make on Earth. He wanted Lucifer to be LUCIFER. You want someone to play the devil  when you want something to be a pinnacle of perfection. Oh, how later would he realize how his pinnacle of flawlessness would turn out to be the cause of his end.

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