Part 2

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Lucifer wandered around in the room of Broken souls. The words of Angel Samuel refused to leave his conscience. The angel feared by mere humans was now the one who was worried about his life.
"Enter," Lucifer said as he heard a knock on the door.

"My Dark Lord, the whole court is enraged at your decision on extending Angel Samuel's execution. What should we do about it ?" Azazel questioned?
Lucifer walked up to Azazel. He could see something was troubling the Dark Lord.
"There is a greater issue burdening me than the execution of Angel Samuel. I remember Father narrating us the journey of the Old Ones. It is not something we can let go. We are facing the risk of extinction if what Angel Samuel says is correct," Lucifer said anxiously.
" Azazel you're my trusted General in my army of fools, I need your trust in the battle against the Old Ones," Lucifer said in confidence.
Azazel nodded.
" My Lord you have my trust and allegiance. However, I need to know what we are up against,"
Lucifer seemed lost in thought.
After a minute of silence, Lucifer spoke, "All will be explained when the time comes,"
Lucifer and Azazel headed down to the court. Everybody was dawdling expecting an explanation from the Dark Lord himself. The Dark Lord addressed the court and elucidated the grave danger of the looming darkness that was approaching them.
A demon from the crowd spoke," Lord even if what you say is credible it is none of our concern if heaven and earth are destroyed. As you say, we can still outlive this with you by our side," the audience nodded, acknowledging the young demon's reasoning.
" Foolish demon, even 'if' we outlive this, the Hell will become empty, there will nothing than a void existing in the system. Hell is built to torment and afflict pain on humans. If they don't survive our lives don't have meaning anymore," Lucifer said in a superior tone.
The whole court went dead silent. After a minute slow whispers resumed which meant they were contemplating the situation. Before they could conclude Lucifer proclaimed that he will go to Earth for a while and assist his brothers in uncovering the reality of the grave danger that has been imposed on us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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