Chapter 5

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When I woke up in the morning, they were both still asleep. I look at the time. It was 11:47, almost noon. We stayed up late, so caught up on our conversations. It felt good to have this kind of nights every now and then. Deep conversations at night are the best, we were always much more honest when it was late. I always felt like I could be myself at night, as if the moon and the starts shining above were going to keep my secrets.

Since I had some time to kill before they woke up, which shouldn't be too long, I took a glance at the french homework. The text was not that long it could be translated quite quickly. I took my phone, searched Michael's contact in my list.

Ⓡ︎"Hey, what about we meet at the library to do the homework ?"

He relied almost immediately.

Ⓜ︎"no problem, when should I be there ?"
Ⓡ︎"Is 3pm OK for you ?"
Ⓜ︎"it's perfect, i'll be there, see you later !"
Ⓡ︎"See you !" Now that was cleared up, I focused on the text. There were quite a few transparent words and easy words. I got a headache really quick. It was too soon for my brain to work, I barely woke and and I am still half asleep. So I laid back down, putting a head on my forehead and closing my eyes. I hated to be the first one to be awake. After a couple more minutes staying in the very same position, I stood up, fetched my bag and went to the bathroom. I brushed my hair, put my make-up on and dressed up. I also brushed my teeth because I had this weird taste in my mouth that I could not bare. When I went back in the bedroom, Charlotte was stretching her arms, she still looked tired.

"Oh, hi, she said with her sleepy voice, I didn't notice you were not here.
- Good morning. How did you sleep ?"

I replied sarcastically, since I was the one who slept on the floor meanwhile she shared the bed with Tom. But it's OK, I vonlunteered to take the floor. I was usually the one who slept in the bed.

"I told you you could have taken the bed if it bothered you.
- No worries, it's, it didn't bother me, I smiled at her."

Then, as if our minds were somehow connected, who both looked at Tom, and looked back at each other, a devilish smile appearing on our faces. We knew what we were thinking. My aunt was at work, so no one was home. Perfect timing. We whispered, suddenly afraid to wake him up.

"You shout and I jump on him ?
- Yes, you know it girl, I winked."

So, as Charlotte commanded, I starting shouting the first song that passed through my mind while she jumped on him. One would think he would have gotten used to it by now. Wrong ! He was just as startled as all the past times we scared him awake. He sat up with Charlotte still on him. For a second he looked at her, a hint of confusion in his eyes and I swear I could have seen him blush for a split second. I must have imagined it. Why would he blush ? There is absolutely no reason. So put it aside and we laughed like crazy, I mean, we, girls, laughed. Tom was not all that happy. He looked quite annoyed but the death stare he gave us made us laugh even harder. It was like we couldn't stop. We struggled to catch our breath but we managed to do it, eventually. Charlotte sat next to him, still a little red from all the laughing. He rolled his eyes and got up. He fixed his messy bed hair, more or less and rubbed his eyes.

"You girls are the worst, literally. I mean it.
- You love us, said our friend.
- Sadly. Truth is, I can't deny that, even if I wanted.
- Aw you love your good ol' cousin ? Come bere and give me a hug, I teased him.
- Don't push it Rose.
- Oh you kill-joy !
- Said the one who woke me up screaming.
- To be honest, it was really joyful to do.
- Delightful even, Charlotte corrected me.
- Ugh !"

He disappeared out of the bedroom, leaving us chuckling on our own. I the mean time, we went downstairs to prepare breakfast, more like lunch knowing the time. We wondered what we could make, the searched through the cupboards, cabinets, everything, looking for something to cook. There was nothing interesting. There were some pasta boxes and other things that really didn't appeal to us. We stares at each other, hungry.

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