Chapter 10

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A few weeks went by and still nothing much happened. The usual routine : waking up, going to school, hanging out with my friends every now and then, doing homeworks... It has been a month since Nora and I met and we have been hanging out together quite often these last couple of days. I was really happy about it, I got to know her more, and the more I knew about her, the more I wanted to spend time with her. We were actually supposed to hang out together today, she invited me over for lunch. It was saturday and I was supposed to leave for her house in about half an hour. Her grandmother and brother were going to be here. I was nervous to meet new people, as always but I knew that I was going to meet them eventually and even though I was nervous, I was still excited about it. Her introducing me to her family showed that we got pretty close, that she liked and trusted me. But yet, here I was, standing before my wardrobe, searching it in hopes to find something to wear. I went through my tops, my bottoms, I even looked at my dresses. Why could I not find anything ? I reached for my phone that was on my nightstand and dialed Charlotte's number. The phone rang for a couple of seconds before I heard a voice on the end of the line.

"Hello ?
- Char, I need your help !
- What is it ?
- I have no idea what to wear and I am that close from throwing something at the wall.
- OK, first calm the heck down, girl. What is the occasion ?
- I'm going at Nora's and I a meeting her brother and grandmother and I am so nervous.
- Mmh, so what about something classy but casual at the same time ?
- I guess, that could work, yeah. But how do I do that ?
- Maybe you could take a jean with a pretty turtle neck sweater ?
- Wait, I'll try someting like that and send you a picture if that's OK with you ?
- Of course, no problem !"

I put my phone down and searched for what she told me. When I found something that suited me, I put it on and looked in the mirror. It actually looked really good ! I took my phone back in my hands, took at picture and sent it to Charlotte. She opened my Snap and said :

"Damn, you look fine when I dress you up !
- Oh shut up !
- I'm only joking ! she said and laughed.
- But, really, thank you so so much !
- You're welcome.
- Well, I have to run or I am going to be late !
- Have fun !
- Thanks. Bye !
- See you on monday !"

She barely had time to finish her sentence that I already hung up. I rushed to get my little bag and told my dad that it was time to leave. He quickly grabbed his key and only a minute later we were already in the car, pulling out of the driveway. I was thinking about how it could go. What will we talk about ? Will they like me ? My thoughts were rapidly interrupted by my dad's talking.

"Hey, sweetie, how are you feeling ? You are looking a but pale all of a sudden.
- Oh, I'm just nervous, I guess. Meeting new people has never been my strong suit.
- Yeah, you have always been shy and meeting new people has always been a bit harder for you than for your sibling. Even though I noticed that these last couple of years it has gotten better and you seem to have been able to overcome your shyness a bit.
- Yeah, you're right, I've actually been making efforts. And so far, these efforts paid, so I'm happy it hasn't all been for nothing !
- Yes, and I'm proud of you for that."

He nudged and and looked at me, smiling before taking his eyes back on the road. The rest of the drive was rather quiet and we talked every now and then. As we got closer and  closer, I felt my heart speeding up, beating against my chest. I focused on my breathing, trying desperately to calm my heart rate and it worked a bit, but it still was not back to its normal speed.

Several minutes later, we finally arrived to our destination. The house was neither big, nor little, just the right size. I nervously got out of the car and headed to the door but I did not have time to get there that the door was opening on Nora who had a huge smile spread across her face. She ran to me and hug me before waving at my dad who was still parked in the driveway. He waved back and drove away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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