Goodbye to a world

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Tommy (and some other people but Tommy is the main focus here rn-)
Angst, so much angst oh my god the amount of angst in th-
character death + like slight hints to being suicidal

italics and underlined with a - at the start and end mean it's the lyrics from the song, normal text with no - thingys means it isn't- also the song at the top is there in case you don't know what the song is :))


Nobody's pov

-Thank you,-

Techno and Tommy had been working together for a while now. Tommy wasn't ready to destroy L'manberg. He still cared about it. But he didn't want to be alone again and have Techno against him, so he went along with Techno's plan.

-I'll say goodbye soon..-

Finally, after the festival, after Techno had destroyed L'manberg, filling the area with withers and tnt, the loud explosions and screams of horror and terror finally stopped. Tommy stared at what had happened.

-Though it's the end of the world,-

He felt numb, he watched Tubbo lose his last canon life. He didn't know what to do. He felt empty. He felt alone. He missed Tubbo, he couldn't help but feel like it was all his fault. The guilt was weighing on his shoulder. He remembers hearing Tubbo's begs not to be killed, it kept echoing in his mind. "Tommy we did it! No more L'manberg! Crab rave!" Techno cheered happily. Tommy forced a smile. "Yeah,," He said quietly.

-Don't blame yourself now.-

Tommy stood in the nether, staring down into the pit of lava, he felt like he could just faintly hear Tubbo's pleads not to jump. He sighed. "I'm going fucking crazy.." He muttered to himself. "Tommy c'mon we gotta head back home and go get ready for the plan it get your discs back." Techno instructed. Tommy nodded, "Right, yeah.. The discs." He said quietly. They walked back to the portal that lead them home.

-And if it's true,-

After a few weeks of planning they finally had a solid plan ready. "Are you ready, Tommy?" Techno asked. Tommy nodded, he didn't really care about the discs anymore, he just wanted Tubbo back. They headed out, "Where do you think Dream will be?" Tommy asked Techno. Techno shrugged. "Probably in a box because he's homeless." Techno joked, Tommy forced a small laugh.

-I will surround you..-

Tommy and Techno went into the nether, making their way to the portal that lead to the DreamSMP, Tommy kept staring into the lava. "Y'know how quickly I could just trip and fall into the lava and die." Tommy pointed out, staring into the lava lake below. Techno turned around to face Tommy, a confused expression on his face. "Yeah. Which is why you have enderpearls." Techno said. Tommy just simply nodded. "Yeah.. But what if I didn't tho?" Tommy asked. "Uhh, I don't know, drink like a fire resistance potion or something." Techno said, "You go walk up ahead I'll go meet up with you soon." Tommy said. Techno just nodded and kept walking. Tommy could hear faintly Tubbo again, telling him not to do it. Soon Tommy felt like he could feel a tight protective hug, but at the same time he couldn't. "I'm sorry, Tubbo. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I couldn't save you,, I'm sorry." Tommy muttered.

-And give life to a world,-

Tommy walked over to L'manberg, already there were white tulips growing out of the cracks in between the stone there, and moss has been growing too, it looks beautiful. The land has been untouched since what Techno did. Right in the spot where Tubbo had died, there lied a dandelion surrounded by grass and moss. Tommy thought it was just a coincidence. He walked over to it and sat near the yellow flower, being there made Tommy feel an intense amount of sorrow and guilt. But he also felt safe and protected. There were bees everywhere, "Tubbo would've loved to see this.." Tommy muttered to himself.

-That's our own.-


Tommy saw the torn up L'manberg flag. He missed Tubbo. "Tommy?" Tommy quickly stood up, looking around, he swore he heard Tubbo. He ran his fingers through his hair. Trying not to think about it too much. "I miss him.." Tommy muttered, staring down at the dandelion. "I know how to bring him back." Tommy turned around quickly, expecting to see nobody. But there stood Quackity.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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