Dragon Day

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I ( Nate ) opened my eyes. It was a Monday. I dressed up, brushed my teeth, and chomped down on a T - Bone. Then my bus came. Good morning, Mr. Rosa, I said. He had volunteered for school bus driver. The bus took of at a quick and narrow pace. I smiled and sat around with Francis and Teddy. Chad and Dee Dee were right behind us. You know what, pencil neck? Francis asked. Principal Nicholas is retiring today. Well, for a week. He's going on vacation. Oh, vacation guy. It didn't have to end this way. The bus skid to a stop. A bully stepped out. Randy. He passed by and gloated about us to Gina, Marcus and Nick. Let me introduce you to the bully squad. Suddenly, I noticed something. The other kids were already going out. P. S 38. I smirked which made the bully squads smirks wobble around to frown and smile. I stepped out and noticed the others were going into the woods cheering - Dragon Day! What were they talking about? I asked Mr. Rosa. Dragon Day is a day where P. S 38 will be surrounded by dragons. You can even train them and tame them. A smile emerged from my mouth. I darted outside and rented a net. I ran across the woods and skid to a stop. A white dragon with song notes on it and a tail club was right before me. I circled around it. Then, it's song symbols began to glow. It's eyes too. Then it sang a hypnotizing tune that almost put me to permeant sleep. Soon, it's glow dimmed. And it accepted itself into my net. Then I freed it and took it to school. I settled down on the library and started drawing an Ultra Nate comic when " Sing Song " ( My Dragon ) growled. The bully squad. They walked over to me with their volcano dragon. Well, look who's here, said Nick. A popstar? KOFF! That's all you can capture? Sing Song growled. Dragon duel, next recess. I challenged. Gina smirked. You'll lose. She sashayed away. I hate it when she does that. I sighed. Don't poke the bear. It might eat you, Chad spoke. I stared at him. Sing Song started to lick him. But I had my mind on her. That glow... I smiled. Whatever happens, happens. I may win that duel. I stood up and paced Hicky, the librarian. She smiled. What can I do for you, Nate? Can you please find me the powering up dragons book, please? I stood there until Hicky handed me the book. I flipped through it. I saw it. The easiest way to power up. Sing Song smiled, handing the book back to the librarian. Whoa, said Teddy. He'd tamed an earth dragon. That was a bunch of awsome tips. Teddy, please don't tell me you saw it too, I said. 

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