Percy x Hermione

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       Hermione returned to her newly bought home from work at the ministry. She dropped her bag down on one of the still unpacked boxes and removed her jacket before heading upstairs to change into some muggle clothing she had in her suitcase, located in her and her husbands room.
        As she went up the steps, she heard a rattling in one of the spare bedrooms. Hermione took her wand out of her sleeve. Her husband wouldn't be back for hours, and besides, she helped defeat Voldemort, she could handle what ever was in the room.

        She stepped cautiously into the room and trained her wand on the closed closet, The door relating slightly. she was reminded of her third year instantly. A Boggart. She took a deep breath and opened the closet door and black mist came out before it started turning into it's desired shape.

         The mist twisted until the smirk of Bellatrix Lestrange was facing her. Hermione felt her heart stop in her chest. The two women startedd at each other before Hermione raised her wand. As she did that, the unruly woman spoke.

        "last time wasn't enough for you? Need another go to loosen your little tongue?" The woman cackled. Hermione's hands shook. "Perhaps this time you will actually die, only doing the world a favor, finally killing the hated, annoying, know-it-all Mudblood. Did you like the souvenir I gave you?" she asked, twirling her wand in her hand. Hermione's mouth turned dry and her hands now shook uncontrollably.

        "You know, maybe this time I will try a different tactic in you." She said as a form of a person appeared before false Bellatrix. His Auburn hair catching the light. He turned his head towards her. His eyes reflecting terror.

        "Please" he whispered before Bellatrix was on him, Straddling his torso and holding his arm down. She struggled to keep him down when another figure popped up and helped hold the man down. Greyback. Hermione felt tears fall down her face as she fell to her knees as she watched them torture the boy. Bellatrix had roughly grabbed his other arm and began torturing that one as well. His glasses knocked askew on his face. He was screaming.

        Bellatrix got off the boy and looked at Hermione frozen on the ground, staring at the redhead in shock, regret. Lestrange cackled again and walked towards Hermione. She gave her an evil grin before turning back to the Boy, the words "Avada Kedavra" leaving her lips. Hermione watched in horror as his body fell limp.

        Greyback lifted the body by it's neck as Bellatrix skipped happily over to it, grabbing one of the arms and holding it out sideways so Hermione could see it. "Blood-traitor" it said. She then dropped it and lifted the other one with a cruel laugh. Hermione sobbed as she saw the words. "Mudblood lover"

        Bellatrix walked proudly over to Hermione, still laughing. She leaned down and whispered in her ear. "He died because of you, filthy Mudblood. What did he even see in you?" She got up and gave Hermione a sneer before raising her wand at her face. "Avada Kedav-"

        "REDIKULAS" a deep voice called out from behind Hermione. The boggart image ended with Bellatrix and Fenrir turning into mice and The redhead was smiling at Hermione before the image faded away. Hermione turned, her face still covered in Tears, to see her husband standing at the doorway. His face was pulled into a scared and concerned look as he quickly went to his wife and pulled her to him.

        "Oh Hermione, are you alright" he asked her, pulling away to look at her.

        "I'm ok Percy. Now that your here. Im ok" she said in a soft whisper as Percy held her tightly,  Kissing her softly.

(*A/N: ok, so to explain the boggart. It mixed three of her greatest fears. 1. Bellatrix and torture. 2. Percy being hurt or killed. And 3. That she really is what people say about her, Annoying, know-it-all, Mudblood,etc. )

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