Chapter One: A Magical Prank

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Vernon glared at the youth behind him that went from squirming one moment to glaring defiantly the next. Practically slamming the front door closed behind the boy as he finally made it into the house and then the entire scene changed.

A soft snicker erupted from near his feet before he saw a black blur racing toward the living room. The brat that had just entered the house seeming to have vanished. With a smile he called out in amusement, "Don't you and Dudley cause to much of a mess!" Following after it he slipped an arm around his beloved wife's slim waist and watched as their son played with the mischievous fox looking creature.

In all honesty they had not been pleased when they first received it thinking that they'd just been threatened into raising the child of the freaks that had locked them out of their lives.

It was around when Dudley was seven and had gotten into playing a popular game called Pokémon that suddenly everything changed. Vernon remembered that day clearly.

It was a Saturday. A day he had used to look forward as he would be spending time with his wife and baby boy. That had turned into a fantasy after those commanding freaks had dropped Petunia's apparent nephew off. Though his wife had been insistent hat was impossible as her sister had been in an accident while young that had destroyed all chances of her giving birth.

Still under the watchful eyes of their disgusting neighbor Miss Figg they were forced to raise the boy. There'd been many times when they questioned the kid, not even a year after having him they'd forgotten about him after locking him in his cupboard for a week but he was oddly fine though they did notice the small hole in the wall which connected to the outside that an adult cat could fit through. There were other events as well like when the teachers at school had reported odd things happening around the boy. Of course they chalked it up to his heritage and the idiotic magic, the freaks were intent to keep to themselves.

He smiled as he looked at his son, now seven, lying on the couch playing that new game called Pokémon they got him for his birthday. His smile turned into a scowl when the freak boy came into his view washing the windows outside. There were moments he found it odd that the other Magical freaks did nothing at their obvious abuse toward the boy that could only be seen by Miss Figg. Both Petunia and him knew that bearded old man must be watching them.

At that moment however his son had gotten a little excited at some event happening in his game and had yelled,

"Now Mimikyu use Shadow Claw!"

He couldn't even react when he suddenly saw the sinister look on their baggage's face when he yelled that and suddenly the boys hand turned into a black clawed arm that hit against the window breaking it. His son had bolted upright at the sound, staring at a seemingly confused and afraid Harry.

He wasn't fooled however and within no time he'd dragged the freak into the house away from prying eyes and lifted him by the front of his ragged shirt. "What are you?"

His son had come over confused distracting him until he heard snickering, and as his head whipped around he found a black fluffy fox looking creature with bits of red in his hand.

Only Dudley's cry of, "That's a Zorua!" managed to wake him from his shock.

Vernon sighed in exasperation. Petunia giving him a smile as though guessing what he was thinking about.

What had followed the event had been a big transition as the little fox known as a Zorua, but who went by the name Zera, pulled them into a long con prank on the magical freaks. Of course after Dudley grilled his new 'pet' all about his world, his trainer, and how he got here.

There was also a long lecture given to them by their son about the world of Pokémon from his game with a few add-ons from the Tricky Fox Pokémon. And despite how definitely not normal a telepathic magical creature was, he couldn't have been more happy to welcome it into their family. Especially with the knowledge of the Prank, the Pokémon was planning to pull on the magical world that refused to acknowledge them.

Even from just what Dumbledore had told them in the letter and 'Harry's' house arrest they knew 'Harry Potter' was an extremely important figure. The family of three (now four) couldn't wait to see how chaotic the Magical world would become when they discovered their 'savior' not only wasn't human, but that they had been completely tricked by a magical creature. Because there had never been a 'Harry Potter' just a mischievous fox from another world that liked to cause chaos.

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