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That's how I feel.

I'm achy, tired, my throat is killing me, I've literally be hacking up my lungs for the past week. It's horrible.

I tested negative for Rona, but positive for the flu... and strep.

I feel like I'm gonna fucking die, it's horrible.

And Christmas is literally next week! I'm hoping that I'm all better by then, but I don't know.

"Aw bebs," Avani pouted, we were on FaceTime talking when I broke out into a fit of coughs. It's been more than 24 hours since I got strep after I got the flu so I'm not contagious, but Avani still wanted to be safe. I 100% understand. I don't want her to get sick.

"I'm fine," I took a sip of warm water.

"Let me know if you need anything," she gave me a sad smile.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," I waved her off, I didn't want her to worry. "Just finish telling me the story."

"Oh yeah okay, so..."

Avani was telling me about the time she went to New York and got lost on the subway. It was hilarious actually. Anthony came half way through (he was at her house, not on the FaceTime) and made Avani restart the story just to catch him up.

"When did this happen?" he laughed once she had finished telling us the story.

"When I was like 14," she answered.

"Bro you could have gotten kidnapped," I crackled. Hey, don't judge, it was a hilarious story.

"Geez thanks," she rolled her eyes. "I'm glad my near death experience brings you so much joy."

She was being sarcastic, it wasn't a near death experience. I'm not that much of a terrible person.

"Ha ha," I grinned. "Alright, I'll leave you two alone now, I wanna get some rest."

I lied, I didn't want to get rest. I felt like I was intruding on their alone time.

"Aw, you sure?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll call you later!"

I scrolled through my socials for a few mintues until I heard a knock at my door. Slowly, I rolled out of bed and shuffled to my door. I was about to open it when I realized that my hair was a mess and my robe was half on, half off my body. So I quickly grabbed the scrunchie from around my wrist and tied my hair in a low pony tail. Then I fixed my robe and opened the door.


I was surprised.

"Hey," he smiled and then held up two bags. One with Chic-Fil-A and drinks and the other from 7/11. Somehow, his hands were still free enough to hold his phone and record my reaction. "I brought food."

"Aw," I put my hands up to my mouth. "You are too much. Thank you! Come in!"

I ushered him inside and we set everything up at the dinning table. I haven't had much of an appetite, but when I saw that Chic-Fil-A, it came rushing back. Of course, it hurt to swallow my food, but hey, a chicken sandwich and waffled fries is a chicken sandwich and waffle fries.

"I can't believe you did this," I murmured, taking a sip of my milkshake in between bites of my sandwich.

"You said you weren't feeling well," he shrugged. "It's the least I could do."

"Stop, you're too good to me!"

Blake just laughed and said, "now shut up and eat your damn fries!"

i like him... (a Blake Grey FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now