Chapter 2 - Care to join me...

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I was surprised to see what I've discovered. I don't get it. I was so confused that it was drawn all over my face. I turned to P'Son and asked.

"Pi, what does it mean when it says...?"


I had P'Son look at my phone screen to see what was going on.

"Apparently this person has blocked you in your messenger." P'Son was trying to make sense of things.

"Blocked me? How did that happen?"

"Gaaw (well...), if it's unintentional then that should just be a glitch on your application. Or maybe, she might've just deactivated her account. I know a lot of people who have done that before."

"Well, I don't get it. Should I be worried?" I asked P'Son.

I was somehow becoming concerned of how our communication was going this morning. Chompoo would usually respond to me every time I would send her a message.

"Isn't she sick or something?" P'Son wondered.

"I wouldn't know. She wasn't responding to any of my messages this morning.", I said.

"You know what, these Pad-Thai looks 'aroi' (delicious). I think we should go ahead and eat it." P'Son was getting kinda hungry. "Hiw maak leuy!"

"Dai." I agreed.

I've decided to have Chompoo's meal be prepared for take-out, so P'Son and I could enjoy our lunch together. I didn't pay much attention to why Chompoo wasn't responding to my messages or why I was blocked on messaging her. It's because I didn't want to overthink about it eventhough, I couldn't help but worry.

"Pi, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be finishing your studies in Germany?"

P'Son was really enjoying his Pad-Thai. He was stuffing his mouth with lots of it. He finished chewing and drank water to push it through his esophagus.

"The thing is, I had to come back for something important."

"What could be more important than your studies in Germany? Did you lose your scholarship?"

"No, I didn't. But 'Phaw' (dad) had a severe stroke last week and I had to come back to take care of him."

"Jing-loh? (Really?) Kortod Pi. I didn't know."

"You're dad is helping me with the expenses that's why I'm here returning the favor. You know, I'm the only one that my dad has. No one is going to help 'mhae' (mom) take care of him other than me."

I took a sip from the cola I was drinking. P'Son is an only child. He might be worried about his mom, too.

"That must be really hard for you, mai chai-o?" I feel sorry for P'Son for being in this kind of situation.

"But if I were just to babysit you everyday, then that wouldn't be a problem..." He chuckled. "...Dek-Poochai"


P'Son's dad, Uncle Somchai is my father's older brother. They used to be business partners in the Steel Company that my dad owns even up until today. But because of uncle Somchai's health condition, their share was sold to my dad so they could pay for the very expensive medication. The expenses went on until their family was bankrupt and could no longer pay their debt.

P'Son was forced to pursue Nursing so he could serve his father who needed a lot of medical care and attention. That would probably be the reason why he is really determined to become a nurse. To improve and extend the life of his father.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2021 ⏰

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