Chapter 8

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Stiles P.O.V
I wish I could of done something to keep her. I was in love with Riley. Seeing her walk into Peters car killed me. "Alright we need to get her back" I said. "Of course but how" Scott said. "Call Isaac and Erika and tell them to meet us at Dereks" I said. "Alright" Scott said. We went in the car, I drove. I sped up a lot. "Slow down" Scott said. "No" I said. Once we got to Dereks we ran inside. "what do you guys want" Derek said. "Riley went with Peter" I said. "Fuck" Derek said. Then Isaac walked in "what's wrong?" "Riley went with Peter" Scott said. "Are we going to get her" Isaac said. "Yeah" I said. "This is not going to be easy" Derek said. Then Scott's phone rang. It was his boss. "Riley is in trouble" boss said. "I know do you know where she is" Scott said. "At the old mall but be careful there's a lot of alphas there" he said. "Alright thanks" Scott said. Then he hung up. "What did he say" I said so inpatient. "At the abandon mall on Main Street" Scott said. "Let's go" Isaac said. "Not yet we can't" Derek said. "Why not he is going to kill her" I said. "He won't yet" Derek said. "We need a plan" Isaac said.

About an hour later we made a plan. The plan was Scott and Derek are going to go throw the windows and Isaac and I will go throw the back door. We all drove there really fast. Once we got there, Isaac and I waited for a signal to go in.
Scott's p.o.v
Derek and I went to the window. We saw Peter and the twins. Why were the twins there. We sneaked behind the twins and attacked them. The twins combined together. "Holy shit" I said. They started to attack. Then Peter said "enough" the twins held us down and we just let them. "Where Riley" Derek said. "She's in a better place now" Peter said. *scream from a girl* "that was Riley" Scott said. "Aiden go keep Riley quiet" Peter said. Then Derek and I got loose. The other alphas were holding us down. Then Peter randomly got shot in the heart with an arrow. Then the guys holding us down. When we looked up it was Alison. She came with us and tried to find Riley.

Stiles and Isaac met up with us. We found this door that was all locked up. With chains. "How are we going to get throw" Stiles said. We all looked at him. "Oh yeah do you wolf thing" stiles said. I pulled my claws out and opened it. When we opened it, Riley was there knocked out. Her head was still bleeding. "Isn't it suppose to heal?" I asked Derek. "No because an alpha did this" he said. "Oh my god Riley" Alison said. Isaac carried her to the car and we all hopped in the car before all the alphas come or wake up.

Riley's P.O.V
I woke up and Stiles was sitting next to me holding a ice pack to my head. Then I mumbled "where am i" "your up thank god and oh you are home" he said. "Oh" then I shot up "where's Peter?" "I don't know right now but we had to get you out" Stiles said. Then the door swings open and it was Derek, Alison, Isaac and Scott. Derek comes up to me "your up" "yeah" I said. "How am I here?" I said "we saved you, we came to your rescue" Isaac said. "And I saved them" Alison said. "Oh yeah we almost died till Ally came" Isaac said. Alison came up to me and hugged me. They explained about what happened and how they got me out. "How long have I been sleeping for?" I asked. "3 days" Scott said. "Oh my god" I said. I touched my head and I felt dried blood. "I need to shower" I said. "Want me to help you" Stiles asked. "Your not helping her in the shower" Derek said. Stiles just sat back down. "I can walk on my own" I said.

Stiles took out his hand and I grabbed is hand and he helped me up. I stand up and then my legs got really weak and I fell but before I did Stiles caught me. "I'll help you to the bathroom but I won't stay" Stiles said. Scott came right behind us but with a chair so I can sit in the shower. Scott places it in the tub and walks out. Stiles helps me to the bathroom. "Alright do you need anything else?" Stiles asked. "Actually yeah" I said. "What?" He said. "Can you start the shower" I said. "Yup" he said as turning the shower on. "Alright I'll be right downstairs if you need me" Stiles said. "I need help getting undressed" I said. "Really" Stiles said really happy. "No I was joking" I said. Sit on the sink counter. I pull Stiles close to me and wrap my legs around him and we start to make out.

A few minutes later we heard a knock. "Yeah" I said. "Why is Stiles still in there with you" Derek said. "He not" "I can smell him from here" Derek said. "What no" I said. "Stiles get out of there now" Derek voice got louder. Then he walked away. "Scream if you need me" Stiles said as he opened the door. *little scream* "what" Stiles says. "I need you" I said. "For what?" He said. "Don't leave" I said. "I have too, I'm sorry, I wish I could stay but your cousin will kill me... Literally" he said and walked out. I finally took off all my clothes and hopped in the tub. When I got out I put on light make up and had a towel rapped around me. I couldn't even stand my legs were to weak. When I tried to stand I couldn't and fell on the ground. "Stiles" I screamed. You hear his footsteps come running up the stairs.

He comes in and helps me off the floor. "Are you okay?" He said. "No I'm on the floor with only a towel" I said. He picks me up. "I can't walk babe" I said. He picks me up and holds me like a baby and carries me to my room. He places me on my bed. "Just get me a random shirt and shorts that match. He places shorts and a shirt on my lap. "I need a bra and underwear" I said. "Oh yeah" he grabs underwear and a bra. "Are you good now" he asked. "Just turn around and don't look. I put on my bra, thong and shirt. But I couldn't put on my pants. "Baby I need help with my pants" I said. He turns around and cover his eyes. "You don't need to cover your eyes" I said. He helps put my shorts on. "I can't believe my legs are this weak right now" I said. "I know but they will get better" he said.

We sit on my bed and talk. "Just please next time don't risk your lives to save me" I said. "I don't care what you say I will do it again and again If I have too" Stiles said. I put my head on his shoulder. Then Scott comes at my door. "Do you guys have your clothes on" "nope" I said joking around. Stiles and I start laughing. "I'm just kidding come in" I said. "We need to go to school now, let's go Stiles" Scott said. Scott came up to me and hugged me. I went on Scott's back and he carried me to the couch. "i can stay here if you want" Stiles said. "No go to school" I said. Stiles gave me a kiss on the head. "Bye" I said. "Before I got let me see that head" Scott said. "That sounds so weird" i said. "Derek are you sure my mom can't look at this, I can bring her now she's not working" Scott said. "Yeah can you take me" I said. "Fine but I'm coming two" Derek said. We all tried to fit in Stiles car but Scott was driving. I sat on Stiles lap. "Isaac is meeting us there for extra help" Scott said.

Once we got there mrs.mcCall was expecting us. Stiles carried me into the house and placed me on the couch. Scott's mom came in and checked my head. "Aren't you a werewolf?" Mrs.mcCall said. "Yeah but when an alpha hurts a beta it heals slowly" Scott said. She gave me this gross medicine and laid me on the couch. "one leg is broken and the other one is fractured and you have a concussion" she said. "Thank you Mrs.mcCall" I said. "Your welcome and call me Melissa" she said. "Okay" I said. "Scott I need to go to work so stay here and take care of her" Melissa said. "Okay and Stiles too" Scott said. "Yeah" Melissa said. "And me" Isaac said. Melissa and Derek left. "Be safe" Derek said and kissed my head. "Do you need anything" Stiles said. "No I'm fine" I said. They all tried to fit on the same couch as me so I sat up. Isaac sat on the floor right next to me and held my hand. "Maybe I should hold her hand" Stiles said. i just giggled. I pulled my hands away.

A few minutes later the boys were all a sleep, I tried to stand. When I did I just fell so I crawled. I went and tried to grab water. Scott was there just laughing "you need help?" "No I can do it" I said. "you can't even walk babe" Scott said. "You just called me babe?" I said. "Sorry" Scott said. He helped me up. He carried me back to the couch and gave me water. "He's so funny looking when he is sleeping" Scott said. "No he's too cute" I said. I kissed him on the cheek. He woke up fast. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up" I said. "Its fine" he said. "It's so warm out lets go sit on the porch" I said. We walked outside but the carried me. We sat on the stairs and talked.

While we were sitting on the porch the two twins came. Stiles and Scott went in front of me. "What do you want" Stiles said. "We need to talk to Riley" one of them said. "No you cant" Scott said. "Guys go inside let me talk to them" I said. "No we can sit right here while you talk" Stiles said. "Okay speak" I said. "We found him" Aiden said. "You did, is he alive?" I asked about to cry but I held strong. "Yeah he's alive, he's lives in Arizona" Aiden said. I just cried in joy. "Who" Stiles asked. "My best friend, I thought he died, he took care of me when my family died" I said. Then I did start to cry. Stiles put his arms around me. Then I got up and hugged the twins "thank you" I say. My legs didn't hurt anymore

That bad girl that falls for stiles (Dylan obrien)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin