Chapter 6

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When he got closer I got a better look at the guy and it was Peter. I grabbed Stiles hand and said drive. He tried to go but Peter was standing in front of the car. "Drive" I screamed. "I am not going to dent my car" he said. "Now! I said. He pushes his gas. Peter gets hit by the car and flys up. "So you still want to eat?" He asked. "No not really" I said. "Damn, do you know how much it's cost to just make a reservation" he said. "Aww Stiles babe" I said. I grabbed his hand and said "lets go" I said. He drove us to the restaurant. We got our table. "This is so expensive babe you didn't have to do spend all of your money" I said. "It's okay, you are my everything" he said. I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to me. I kissed him. "So what would you guys like to order?" The waitress said. "May I have a salad?" I said. "snd you sir?" The waitress asked. "Yeah that will be it"he said. "Why aren't you eating?" I asked. "Because I have no more money, but it's fine I'm not hungry" he said. Once I got my salad I split it with him. We shared a salad and just sat there and talked. The waitress came and gave us our reciet. I pulled out my money and gave it to the waitress. "let me pay" he said. "No it's fine Derek gave me money" I said.

We left and he drove me home. Once we got to my house he puts his car in park. "I'm sorry babe" he said. "Why?" I asked. "Because you paid" he said. "It's fine" I said. I gave him a little peck on the lips. He grabbed me and pulled me in for more. I pulled away. "I love you" I said. "I love you two" he said. "Please be safe" he said. "You two" I said and kissed him again. When I went inside, Derek was sleeping. I gave him a huge hug and went upstairs. I laid in my bed.
~about a week later~

The school dance is next week. Stiles hasn't asked me yet. But I really don't want to go. I drove to school. It was Tuesday morning. When I parked my car I saw Scott on his dirt bike. He pulled up next to me. I got out of my car and went to Scott. "Hey Scott can we talk?" I asked. "Yeah sure" he said. "So, I don't know how to start" I said. "If it's about the other night then forget about it" he said. "No it's not that, do you think your boss needs another worker?" "Yeah, stop by after school" he said. I gave him a huge hug. Then we walked into school. I saw the twins again. Aiden grabs my arm and walks me far away from scott. "Hey" Aiden said. "What do you want" I said. "I just wanted to talk" he said "okay about?" I said. Then I saw Stiles. He came up to us. "What's up" stiles said. "Oh Aiden was just leaving" I said. He walked away.

"How do you know the twins?" Stiles asked. "We go back and not in a good way" I said. "How" he asked. "Don't need to know" I said. "Aiden is staring at us" he said. "He can hear you and I don't care" I said. I grabbed his face and kissed him. "What was that for?" Stiles asked. "Because I love you" I said. "Love you two" he said and smirked. Then the first bell rang. I went to English. The teacher called me up to his desk. "You are failing" the teacher said. "Oh" I said. I have been to distracted with Peter that I just don't care about school.
~After School~

I went to go find Scott and Stiles. They were in the back of the school. Scott and Stiles were arguing with Ethan and Aiden. I went up to them. "What's wrong" I asked. "Nothing Riley" Ethan said. "Get out of here Ry" Aiden said. "No, she doesn't have to leave" Scott said. "What don't you leave" Stiles said to the twins. Isaac showed up. He was in attack mode. "Isaac calm down" Scott said. Then Isaac attacked Aiden. "Aiden stop!" I screamed. Aiden backed off and just growled. "You use to be with us, what happened" Ethan asked. "Leave me alone" I said. Isaac, Scott, Stiles and I walked to our cars. "See you at work Scott" I said.

I drove to the vet. When I walked in no one was there. "Hello, Scott" I said. Then Scott came from the back. "Come over here" he said. I hoped over the counter and saw Scott's boss helping a sick dog. "What's wrong with the dog?" I asked. Scott grabbed my hand and placed it on the dog. There were these black veins going down my arm. "Woah, what's happening" I said. The boss said "you are taking the pain away" "really" I asked. "Yeah" Scott said. I put my hand away, I shed a couple of tears. Scott came up to me and hugged me and said "I know it's amazing right?" "Yeah" I said. "So would you like a job here?" The boss said. "Yes please" I said. After working I drove to Stiles house. He came outside.

"Hey what's wrong" he asked. "I just can't go home yet" I said. "Why" he asked. "Because Derek isn't there yet and what is Peter comes and kills me" "he won't, no one will touch you" he said. I gave him a huge hug. Then I texted Derek and told him to come home. Stiles said "hey, would you like to go..go to the dance with me on Friday?" "No sorry I am going with someone else" I said laughing. "Who" he said "I was kidding, I'm going with you" I said. I gave him a kiss and drove home. When I got home Derek was just getting home to. "Hey Riley" he said. "Hey Derek" I said. We walk upstairs. We sat in the living room and I cooked chicken and mashed potatoes.

Once I was done Derek finally sat at the table with me and we talked and ate food. "So how was your day?" I said trying to start a conversation. "It was okay how about you" he said. "Good" I said. "How's your boyfriend" he said. "Good I guess" I said. "Do I need to have the talk with you" he said. "Eww Derek stop" I said. He just laughed with food in his mouth. "do you like Stiles?" He asked. "Yeah" I said. "He's a good kid but just annoying and sarcastic" he said. "Yeah very sarcastic" I said. We both just sat there laughing. "Derek so there's a dance this friday" I said. "You want money don't you?" He said while going in his pocket. He pulled out 100$. "Thank you, thank you" I said. I went up to him and hugged him. "You are the best cousin ever Derek" I said and ran upstairs. I went in my room and went to bed.

The next morning I did my morning stuff and went to school. When I got to school I went to my first period class. I didn't see Stiles or Scott. I went up to Isaac. "Hey, do you know where Scott and Stiles are?" I asked "no I haven't seen them" Isaac said. That whole day I couldn't find them. I was kinda worried. After school I went to the mall and shopped for a dress. I tried on a lot of dresses. But one dress caught my eyes. It was light blue. It was cute. But I'm not a girly girl so it was weird and I wasn't use to it. When I got home Derek came out of his room. "Let me see your dress" he said. i show him it. "Cute" he said. "You don't have to be all weird like this" I said. "Sorry I just don't want to not be in your life anymore" he said. "Awww" I said and hugged him. I went upstairs and put my dress away.

Then I went in my car and drove to my job. I went into the back. "I know this is my first day but I won't be late again I promise, it's just tomorrow is our dance and I needed to shop" I said. "It's fine just don't be late again" the boss said. "Hey" Scott said. "Hey" I said. "are you excited for the dance tomorrow" Scott asked. "Yeah do you have a date" I said. "No" he said. "Why don't you ask Allison" I said. "Because she would say no" Scott said. I pulled out my phone and called Alison. "Hey ali" I said. "Hey Ry" she said. "Question, want to go to the dance with Scott McCall?" I said. "Did he ask you to ask me" Alison said. "Yeah" I said. I was running in a circle while Scott chasing me. "Then yeah I would love to go with Scott" Alison said. "Okay he will pick you up at 6:50 love ya" I said and hung up. "What did she say" Scott said. "She said yes" I said. "Really" he said. An hour later I went home. It was really late. I just laid in bed and fell right to sleep.

That bad girl that falls for stiles (Dylan obrien)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora