Chapter 79

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"The weather is amazing." Says Maddie taking off her sweater.

"I know right." I say. "Isn't it January?" We all laugh.

"Oh my god guys.." Says Ruby grabbing us.

"What?" I say quickly.

"Look." She points ahead. And there it is. The Juicenet Cafe from H2O.

"Oh my god." Says Maddie. We start running over.

"Its just like in the show!" I say. We walk inside and it is just as we imagined it.

"Wow." Says Maddie. "I can't believe we are here right now."

"How may I help you?" Says the girl in with the australian accent.

"Hi can I have a..." Says Ruby smiling. "Wheatgrass smoothie."

"Sure!" She says.

"I will have the cranberry booster." I say also smilling.

"And I will have the blueberry swirl." Says Maddie.

"Will that be all?" She asks.

"Yes." I say pulling out my wallet.

"Nope its on me." Says Ruby pulling hers out faster and paying.

"Fine by me." I say laughing.

"Are you guys from the United States?" She asks.

"Yes." Says Maddie.

"What are you doing all the way out here?" She asks.

"We are in an event thats here." Says Ruby.

"Thats cool!" She says.

"Hey, have you by any chance been in here while they filmed the show H2O?" I ask.

"Yes actually I have, I have met them all, especially Lewis." She says with dreamy eyes. "Are you guys fans?"

"We love that show and when we came here we were mind blown." Says Maddie.

"Wheatgrass Smoothie! Cranberry booster! and Blueberry Swirl!" Says the guy. We go over and get our smoothies.

"I know the girls personally." She starts to say. "I can call them if you want." I look at Maddie and Ruby with wide eyes.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah sure." She says smiling. She gets out her phone and calls them.

"Hey Claire." She says. We look at Ruby. She smiles widely.

"Yeah its Lily. There are some fans down here who would absoloutly love to meet you." She says smiling. "Ok see you then." She hangs up.

"She is going to call Phoebe and Cariba." She says. "And they will be down shortly."

"Oh my gosh thank you so much you do not know how much this means to us!" Says Maddie.

"No problem, see you guys around!" She says waving.

"Bye!" We say. We go out on the deck area and sit down.

"Hey guys!" Coming over is Nash, Sammy, and Jack J.

"Hey." We say as they sit down with us.

"Whatcha guys doing here?" Asks Nash.

"Just chillin." Says Ruby.

"Thats cool." Says Sammy. There is an awkward silence.

"So!" I say trying to start a conversation. Everyone kind of laughs.

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