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Fey tossed and turned, restless, her mind full of a dream.

The nightmares had returned.

In The first, she stood atop a dark cliff top, the wind tearing her hair and wiping the breath from her lungs.

Below her was a vast plane, upon which fires raged and explosions lit the sky.

She couldn't understand why she was there, and then a scream, her scream she realized, split the night, and she collapsed.

The second dream was just as terrifying.

She was being hunted. She had no idea by who or why, but whenever she stopped a voice would boom, "IVE GOT YOU NOW FEY BLAKE!" And she would spring from her hiding place to run blindly for another. The chase was exhausting, and Fey sobbed for it to stop. Finally, the dream changed.

This was the one she anticipated more than any other, the dream that baffled her and she could make no sense of. She'd been having it for nearly a week.

She stood in the midst of a ring of stones; these stones towered over her, so tall were they, and had strange notched lines drawn upon them. Mist swirled between them, oozing around them and obscuring the ground at her feet. Outside the ring, Night Blanketed Them, and a hooded figure moved between the stones.

Then she heard the voice. "Fey," it whispered, "sister,"

Fey spun to try and find the figure, but it hid behind the stones.

"Who are you? I don't have a sister."

The voice laughed softly and Fey had to turn again to try and see it. "Oh naïve.. your blood is my blood, and we, we have magic in our blood."

"What do you mean?"

"Just be warned sister, they do not mean us good. They shall come to get you soon, you must resist. Do not let them taint you."

"Who?!" Fey was frustrated now, "Your not giving me any straight answers! Who is coming?!!"

Finally the dark robed shape stopped between 2 standing stones, and Fey saw her eyes. They where bright green, and instead of a black pupil there was only more glowing green light.


Fey sat bolt upright in bed, sure that there was somebody in her room.

Magic in her Blood.     (A Kane Chronicles FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now