Green eyes

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On the roof, Freak Shirked,(Hehe.) and Carter-his... keeper? Owner?-tried to sooth him.

He patted his snout and whispered, "shhhh. It's ok. We'll be right back."

"Are you sure he's ok to leave here?" Cleo asked.

"Yeah. He'll be fine." Carter replied.

Khufu Grunted. He hopped across the apartment roof and sat on the low edge. He pointed down at the fire escape.

"Khufu says she's in that one."

Carter carefully peered over the side. "How many windows down?"

Hufu grunted again. "The 3rd window down. He says he can smell her. And he says...."


"There's something else he smells too."

"What is it?"


"He doesn't know. He's never smelled anything like it."

"Hmm. Well we better hurry. It's 12:56. We have to be back by 5."

They began down the fire escape. Freak laid down and began to snore.

It had been a long flight, carter thought. All the way from Brooklyn to LA. Carter went over the conversation he and Amos had had prior to leaving. It worried him even now.


He, Amos, Khufu, Walt and Sadie sat in the library, Cleo coming and going while she arranged scrolls and put books back.

"Should we wait for her to find the Amulet?" Amos asked.

"She's strong. And probably smells good to monsters." Sadie put in. "If we wait, we might be too late."

They could wait for Fey to find the Amulet, hidden in one of the lockers at the school she went to, but she was a very powerful Magician. Khufu could tell when he saw her. Walt could tell when they had looked in the scriing (?) bowl for her. Amos could tell. She was a powerful Magician. And if they waited to long, someone else was going to get to her first.

Carter spoke. "I say we send a team to get her. Amos?"

Amos thought for a long moment. "I don't know. It may be bad to sent someone to California now."

"Why?" It was Walt who asked.

Amos sighed, as if there was a great weight on his shoulders.

"We don't know exactly. But there have been strange things happening in that area, stuff to do with other gods, and other monsters."

"Other gods?" Said Sadie. "Like Annabeth and the Greek Gods and the Romans?"

"Yes. But these aren't Greek. It's some other force that's clashing with the Romans. It's very unsafe at present."

"So that means Fey is in danger to?" Cleo asked as she walked up, her arms full of scrolls.

"Yes. It certainly could mean that."

"So we have to go." Walt said.

"I don't see another choice." Carter agreed.

"Can I come too?!?" Felix stepped out from behind the bookcases, looking nervous and hopeful.

"Uh-" Carter began but Sadie said, "of course! Your always saying we need to give the initiates experience in the field, isn't that right Brother Dear?"

Carter gritted his tears but said, "yeah, ok you can come Felix. But No Penguins!!"

"Awwwwwww... common!..." Felix groaned.

They descended the many fire escape stairs clattering and creaking all the way down.

Carter shushed Sadie who slipped on the stair and came down cursing.

Outside the window to Fey's bedroom Khufu peered in. "Ogh!"

"He says she's in there, sleeping." Cleo said.

Khufu was nervous, jumping up and down and smacked his head. "Ugh! Ugh!"

"He says.. he says there's something else in there too, but he doesn't know what it is."

"Walt can you see if it has any protective spells?"

"Carter, why would a California apartment full of normal people have protection spells on it?" Sadie had lived in England for most of her life, but even after living in Brooklyn for the past few years, she still had a British accent.

"You never know!"

"I'll check." Walt said moving to the window.

He frowned.

"What is it?"

"I-I don't know. It's something, but if it's magic, it's not Egyptian."

"What? There's other kinds of magic?" Sadie sounded shocked.

"Wells there's different gods, maybe there's different forms of magic to. Like computer brands. They all do basically the same thing, but with different makes and models."

Walt nodded. "That's an interesting assessment Carter, but if so, there's a lot more in there there than we thought. It's sealed from the inside."

Cleo, who had been trying to calm Khufu down by feeding him Cheerios, suddenly gasped. They all looked at the window to Fey's bedroom and saw..

There was a figure standing in the middle of the room. They wore a dark cloak, and they could just see the figures eyes. They where a brilliant glowing green. No irises, only swirling green. They glowed with an eerie fierceness that made them all shiver.

The figure seemed to spin and it was gone before they could blink.

There was a shimmering around the window, and Khufu grunted.

"He says its gone... whatever it was." Cleo translated.

Walt moved to the window again and felt for magic.

"The spell.. its gone. There's not even a trace of it... It's like it was never there.."

"Let's get Fey and get out of here." Sadie said.

It was the first thing Sadie had said that Carter agreed with.


Well! That was interesting.. very cliff hanger ish if I do say so myself.
More later!

Hey! I've updated this, and now Felix is with them which is really really important and I don't know how I missed it before, but it's there now. Yay! Let the Show Continue!

Magic in her Blood.     (A Kane Chronicles FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now