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Fate grins down at the small castle.

Within its walls are the people they'd been following since the beginning of time. The lost girl, the uncertain huntress, the sad fairy, the delicate queen, the brash king, and the cold prince. All pushed and pulled in separate directions until their paths ultimately crossed. A small plan in the midst of the millions upon millions of others, yet they chose this one to manipulate. And how well it turned out.

Fate marvels at their handiwork. Not many could pull this off. Chance would say that it was all up in the air. Nothing is for certain. Coincidence would say that it was possibly part of a plan, but maybe not. And Destiny, Fate's twin, would say that sure, they were on the given path, but anything could change and they could change where they end up.

Either way, this is Fate's story. Destiny is off with a goddess, Chance is with a girl and a slipper, and Coincidence is slipping a spell book on a shelf for a narcissistic queen learning to cook.

They return to watching their story end.

Fate claps its hands as the two girls retire to their bedroom to sort out their feelings. Fate scowls as the body of the king is burned. Fate tilts their head inquisitively as the prince is beaten in the dungeons. Fate cries as the winged male mourns the lost time with his family. An elaborate story, set in motion by Fate at the beginning of time. And now they smile down at their masterpiece, ready to begin another tale.

And maybe the new one won't be so nice.

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