Chapter 23

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I stand by Drakon's side, his wings curling around me. My sword is steady in my hand.

"Surrender," I tell my father. The roar of the fires drowns out his words, but I see him shake his head. "Or die."

He yells something at me, but all I catch is a muffled Hell. Easing forward, I raise my sword.

"Kill him," I command. The fairies launch at the king, their wings stirring the air. Metal sings as the guards take them on. Isadora charges at the king, screaming. A guard intercepts her and they engage in swordplay.

I spring forward, running my sword through a man. It pitches his stomach. With a gasp, he falls to the ground and doesn't get up. Blood drops from the end of my blade. Feeling movement behind me, I swing, cutting the jugular of another man.

My eyes turn to Isadora again. She still battles the guard, their swords a flurry of metal. The guard slips on something. As he flails, trying to regain his balance, Isadora takes his head off.

She glances at me, blood scattered on her face. The world falls away as she gives me a wink. I see something shift behind her and scream, but she doesn't hear me. I watch in silent horror as a knight emerges from the shadows. In one swift blow, they slam the hilt of their sword into her head. She crumples.

I spring to her, preparing to kill this knight. Halfway there, the knight takes off their helmet, revealing a pale face beaming at me.

My feet root to the spot, several steps away from Isadora. Sabien stands over her, his sword poised to run her through.

"I've always wanted to do that," he says. The fire reflects off him, highlighting his cheekbones and making his face seem hollow. A thick layer of smoke shrouds us, hiding us from the main battle. It's me, Sabien, and Isadora.

Hate boils in me. It shuts down everything else, leaving the color of blood in the middle of my heart. I focus on that, keeping it burning. This feeling is all Sabien and my father. Nothing else.


The simple word throws me off balance, but I collect my thoughts. I sneer at Sabien. "Because you and your father are the most selfish bastards I've ever met."

"Our father," he says, taunting me. A malicious turn to his lips makes me see red. "He's our father."

I take a step closer to him. "He will never be my father."

"But he is."

"In blood, only." I spit on the ground. Sabien's nose turns up, disgusted. "I won't claim him as my family."

A low laugh bounces around us. Sabien raises an eyebrow at me. "Oh, you're serious? You're more naive than I thought. Do you know that he wanted to kill you ever since he heard you were alive? He sent me to do his dirty work. And like a good son, I did."

"Did what?"

He clicks his tongue, amusement etched into his face. His jaw works as he chooses his words. A small fire bursts forth behind him, on the body of the guard Isadora killed. "I sent those Forsaken to the forest that night. They killed your friends. Then I started the fire in the inn." He ticks off the offenses on his fingers. I don't care. All I care about is the sword now pointed away from Isadora.

"You're sick," I say. He only laughs. Below him, Isadora stirs. One of her hands twitches. "How are we related?"

He steps over Isadora, believing her still unconscious. His eyes are solely trained on me. "Because our parents loved each other once."

Behind him, Isadora opens her eyes. I wink at her, letting her take in what's happening. She nods in return.

I smile at Sabien, saluting him. "Good conversation. Now, I'm off to kill my father. I'll deal with you when I have the crown secured. "

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