The Friday before your sister's wedding, you swung by Hyunjae's place to pick him up for your flight. You would be spending three nights at the beach, all paid for by your sister and her fiancé, returning back home on Monday after they married on Sunday afternoon. When you arrived at Hyunjae's place, he was already waiting for you outside in a black hoodie and grey sweatpants, looking comfortable for the plane ride. He smiled when he noticed you, even taking the time to excitedly wave his neck cushion in the air at the sight of your car.

"Mr Lee Jaehyun?" you asked, rolling down the window so he could hear you. "I've been sent to pick you up.

"Sorry," Hyunjae said with a small shrug, making his way to your car. "I'm actually waiting for my girlfriend. We're going to a wedding together this weekend."

You laughed at his way of getting into character, unlocking your doors and letting him hop into the passenger seat of your car, tossing his duffel bag into the bag seat where yours sat. "I guess I'm going to have to get used to that," you mused. "Calling you my boyfriend and being called your girlfriend."

"I guess so," Hyunjae grinned. "Unless you want to tell your family that you picked me up on the plane ride?"

You burst into more laughter at his words. "Sure," you joked. "I can tell them that you're married and have two kids but I just had to have you, so I seduced you by giving you my in-flight snacks in hopes that you'd be my date."

"That doesn't sound bad," Hyunjae admitted. "I'll take your snacks as payment."

"No way," you denied, driving towards the airport after Hyunjae had his seatbelt on. "You're getting a beach weekend with your favourite person in the whole world as payment."

Hyunjae sat up straight, clapping his hands together in excitement. "Jacob's coming too?!" he exclaimed.

You gasped. "I'm so telling Eric that you said Jacob's your favourite."

"Like Juyeon isn't his favourite anyway," Hyunjae physically swatted your words away with a scoff. You grinned at this, knowing that Hyunjae and Eric were two peas in a pod.

The plane ride was fun enough; you and Hyunjae spent the first half hour of the flight playing games and trying not to irritate the passengers around you too much, until the both of you got tired and eventually fell asleep. Hyunjae had let you rest your head on his shoulder and the two of you shared a blanket that you had brought with you, knowing how much Hyunjae hated the plane blankets.

By the time the both of you woke up, you had taken a nice nap and already arrived in Jeju Island. You took the car that your sister had sent for you and made your way to the hotel where everyone was staying. Your flight had been in the afternoon, so by the time you arrived at the hotel, it had already gotten dark. Once your sister spotted you, she squealed in excitement and pulled you into a hug.

"I missed you!" she told you, genuinely meaning it. The two of you hadn't lived in the same city ever since she finished college six years before you, and it was getting harder and harder to make time to see each other. "I'm so glad you're here."

"Of course I'm here," you rolled your eyes, pulling away from her tight grip. "You're getting married, I wouldn't miss this for the world."

Your sister winked at you before giving Hyunjae her attention. "You must be the boyfriend," she said, holding her hand out for Hyunjae to shake.

He took her hand, giving her his best smile as he introduced himself. Even though your sister was getting married and completely in love with her fiancé, you could see the way she was instantly smitten by Hyunjae's sweet smile and voice. He simply had that effect on people.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm so glad you could make it, too! Y/n's been avoiding all of my questions about you recently so I'll just have to grill you myself," your sister joked.

Hyunjae laughed nervously. Even though he wasn't really your boyfriend, he still wanted your sister to like him. The two of you had always been close, and it was important to Hyunjae that he get your family's approval.

"If you have time," you corrected your sister. "It's your wedding weekend, don't count on having so much spare time to interrogate Hyunjae," you added, giving Hyunjae a reassuring smile.

"I'll make time," you sister replied, giving you one last hug before rushing off to tend to something the wedding planner was asking her about.

You and Hyunjae decided to take her absence as a chance to check in at the front desk. The concierge gave you two keys for your room, and you followed the numbers on the doors until you could see your room. As you entered, you couldn't help but think about how lovely the room was. It was open and bright, windows cracked just enough for the breeze from the ocean to waft throughout the space freely.

There was only one problem.

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