The Surfboard

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     As I peeped from under my covers, I stared outside my window. The sun was rising, painting the sky and few clouds with hues of red, orange, and pink. I quietly jumped out of bed with joy. I stripped from my pajamas, before putted on my red and white bikini. I threw on a shirt over my bathing suit. I grabbed my beach bag, stuffing it with a towel, sunscreen, and my phone.

     After I was done getting ready, I tip toed downstairs. I walked past my parents' room listening to their sleepy snores. Once I made sure they were asleep, I walked to the kitchen to grab breakfast. I continued through the living room towards the front door. I closed the door behind me, cringing as it squeaked. I turned to my purple surfboard. It was my lucky surfboard. Ever since I got the board, good things had happened when I used it. It was leaning against the wall by the swinging bench. I grabbed it, before walking down the porch steps. Once my feet hit the still-cold sand, I dashed towards the ocean.

     I raced down the shoreline. The morning sun beamed down on my face. It was warm as if the sun was wishing me a good morning. When I came towards a lonely coconut tree, I slowed to a stop. I placed my bag by the tree, before putting my surfboard down. I plopped down, leaning against the tree. I stared out at the ocean.

     It was so beautiful. Its clear blue color could make the sky jealous. Light sparked off the waters, as if it was dancing. I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath. I could taste the salt in the air. I listened to the oceans, the waves singing a melody. A few squawked, greeting each other their good mornings. It was relaxing.

     After a while, I decided to hit the waves. I stood up pulling off my shirt. I sent my mother a quick text telling her I will be surfing. I also told her I would be back by nine o'clock. I always let her know what time I want to come back. This way in case if I get hurt or something bad happens and I don't come back in time, she will know something is not right.

     I grabbed my board, heading towards the ocean. I grinned as a beautiful wave grew out of the sea. I realized that I needed to ride that wave. I leaped off the burning sand and onto my board and into the water. I paddled out far, but by the time I reached the wave it died. I pouted at the fact I was not able ride the wave.

     Yelling caught my attention, causing me to look back at the shore. A boy was waving at me. I could not make his persona well from how far I was, but I decided to wave back. However, the boy started to wave both hands frantically and pointed towards me. "What?" I yelled, confused as to what he was saying.

     I turned my board around and paddle a bit closer, so I could hear him. Finally, I could hear him yell, "Look behind you!" I turned around only to regret it. A massive wave was forming. I couldn't ride that wave. I had recently learned how to surf! I was still a beginner! I desperately paddle forwards, but I was unlucky I was immediately propelled forward. The wave had caused my body to flip with the board. I was rolled forward, the wave pushing me. I kept my eyes closed and held my breath. It felt weird, like I thought I was under the water for hours but in reality it was only minutes.

     I trudged out of the water. My body ached from being punched around by the waves. My back, face, and stomach were stinging the most from the impact. I dropped to my knees and hands. I kept coughing, having accidently swallowed some salt water. It burned and made me feel like my throat had never tasted sweet water. I turned my head to the side, watching the wave push my surfboard up the sand. I frowned at the board. So much for catching a wave.

     I let my head fall. I glared at the sand, want to take my anger out on it. I could hear the sound feet moving through the sand, walking towards me. The sound stopped as a shadow covered me. "Are you okay?" A boy's voice asked. I glanced up to see it was the same boy from earlier. He had a dark tan that complemented his amber eyes and black curly hair. He had freckles splattered on his cheeks. His torso was covered with a white tank top. He also had on swim trunks and sandals.

     I blushed when I realized I had been staring. "I think so," I said shyly. I pulled myself up, brushing my hands against my legs. I faced the boy which made me realize he was a foot taller than me. "Not many beginners start off with big waves." The boy stated. He flashed a small smile.

     My face flushed with embarrassment. "Is it that obvious?" I asked.

     The boy nodded with another closed mouth smile. I frowned, my gaze falling to the ground. I noticed how my mood caused him to frown, too. I was embarrassed I had messed up and because a cute boy saw me, too. I know my mother would scold me for worrying about what other people think, but I can't help it.

     "You know if it helps, I can teach you?" It was more of question. I glanced back up at the boy. He was now holding my surfboard. The corner of his mouth was titled upwards, giving off a hint of a dimple. I could feel a smile slowly forming on my own face. "Really?" I asked, the excitement noticeable in my voice. The boy's smile grew into a grin. I noted how both of his cheeks had a dimple.

     "Of course! It'll be fun! I have my own board with me, too! Oh! Here's your board, by the way." He said, handing me my surfboard. I realized once again this is my lucky surfboard. I took it with both hands, lightly smiling in thanks.

     "I'm Ricky. What's yours?" He asked. Ricky's eyes were shining bright with care and excitement.


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