Chapter 18

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"Child support?!" Santana yells as she was reading over the paper she was served a few hours ago at the studio.

"Honey, calm down okay?" Holly says to her as she grabs the papers from her.

"How can I be calm when someone who said I have a baby with never let me take a fucking DNA test!" She yells out loud. "That baby isn't mine Holly." She says looking up at the blonde with a serious straight face.

"Yell at me one more time Santana and I swear I'll get Quinn on you." Holly says using her motherly tone of voice while pointing her finger at the Latina.

Santana smiles to herself as she sat down and thought about her ex wife. Or should she say girlfriend? Or boo thang? "Um sorry you're right Holly but Quinn can not know about this or my ass won't be on tour."

"Know about what?" She asks walking into the room as she looks at the both of them.

"Hey you." Santana says smiling as she got up and kisses her cheek. "I thought you were put on bed rest? You're not supposed to be walking around the house."

Quinn rolls her eyes before sitting down beside Holly. "Um excuse me but what's going on?" She asks holding her belly as she ignored Santana comment about being in bed.

Both Holly and Santana looked at each other before looking over at the pregnant woman.

"Okay seriously Santana if you do not tell me what's actually going on I swear to you that I won't suck your dick or give you morning sex for the next two weeks." Quinn says to her while giving her HBIC stare.

Santana started to blush as she looks away from her. She can act tough all she wants but she knows who run things around the house and it's damn sure isn't her.

"First off, you two are acting like you guys are in high school again and secondly I didn't want to hear that shit." Holly says grabbing her purse and bag before getting up. "I'll call the lawyer and make something happen before it goes to far." She says before walking out of the room.

"Thanks.'' Santana says smiling a little before moving to wrap her arms around Quinn. "You okay?" She asks as she kisses the side of her head.

"Yeah I am but what were you two were just talking about?" She asks as she moves out of the Latina arms so she could see her face.

Santana sighs as she ran her fingers through her hair before getting up and grabbing the papers off her desk and hands them to her.

Quinn looks over the papers before looking up at Santana. "How can she put you on child support and she never let you seen the baby or let you do a DNA test on her?"

"I know that's what Holly and I was talking about earlier but something isn't adding up right." She says sitting next to her.

Quinn moves closer to the Latina and cups her face as she gives her a soft long passionately kiss to her lips. "I love you Ms. Santana Valerie Lopez and I promise you we will get through this okay?" She says smiling softly as she was staring into her chocolate brown eyes.

Santana leans into her touch as a few tears slipped out before pecking her lips. "I love you too Lucy." She says smiling at her.

"I don't think I can do this anymore." Nicole say to Puck as she was holding their daughter Alexis.

"What do you mean?" He asked her as he was changing his clothes. "I don't see Quinn here with me and I thought you wanted to be even more famous than ever?"He asked her while looking over at her from the other side of the room. "I thought we had an agreement?" He say. "You help me get Quinn Fabray and I'll help you with your career."

"Yeah we do," she says looking at him before looking down at her daughter as she takes a deep breath. "Do you even love us?" Nicole asks him.

Puck started laughing softly before walking over to them. "You're joking right?" He asked her.

"No Noah I'm not." She says walking backwards till her back hits the wall. "I feel like you don't even care about me or Alexis."

"I served our country for 6 years Nicole," he says walking slowly towards her. "6 fucking years Nicole and when I met you, you wasn't shit and still ain't shit and all I want is to be with Quinn. Simply as that and if you have a problem you can fucking leave but you're not taking my daughter with you." He said while looking dead into Nicole eyes before grabbing Alexis and walks away from her.

"Lucy Quinn Fabray!" Charlie calls out her sister name as she walks into the house with a horrific look on her face.

Quinn rolled her eyes as she was in the living room with a sleeping Jordan on her side as he fell asleep after lunch. "I'm in the living room big mouth!" She yells back at her as she was smiling a little.

Charlie walks into the living room and threw her purse down before sitting on the couch where Quinn was laying as she moves Quinn's legs onto her lap. "Guess who I ran into and he asked me out whileI was grocery shopping. " She says as she looks up towards her twin.

Quinn raised her eyebrow up as she was staring back at her. "He?" She questioned Charlie. "Charlotte we both know and everybody know you are gay and the only dick you like is Rachel Berry." She says rolling her eyes.

Charlie smacks her lips as she rolled her eyes. "That's not true I slept with a few guys before."

"When? And don't lie because lately everytime I call or text you, you are with Rachel or going over to Rachel or I'll call you back Rachel is here."

"Ugh fine!" Charlie let's out before getting up to grab her purse and pulls out the little red box and hands it to her.

Quinn opens the box and looks at the diamond engagement ring. "Aww Charlotte you shouldn't have." She says joking as she takes it out and looks on the inside of the band. "Berry proposed to you?" She asks while raising her signature eyebrow up.

"Yes she did but I don't think I'm gonna say yes." She says sitting down after taking the ring back from her and put it in her purse.

"I don't get what you are saying Charlie." Quinn says shaking her head lightly. "She has a career going on and you two have a child together I mean what's stopping you from saying yes to her?" She asks her as she moves Jordan off of her side and moves over to her sister. "Besides you didn't tell me who was the guy who asked you out."

"Promise me you won't be mad at me." She says as she looks at her.

"Cut the crap Charlotte and tell me the truth or so help me God I'm gonna slap the shit out of you." She says seriously as she moves back from her.

"It's Noah Puckerman."

"Hey can we run that back again please?" Santana asked through her headset as she was on stage rehearsing for the first show in a week.

After rehearsal Santana was in her dressing room fresh out of the shower and was getting dressed till her phone rang. "You kidding me right?" She ask as she answered her phone.

"We seriously need to talk in person Santana."

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