Chapter 5

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"So, are you gonna tell San about your date with Emily tonight?" Charlie asks as the paparazzi were following them while snapping pictures of them left the little restaurant before getting into Quinn's Rang Rover together.

"Of course I'm gonna tell her, she's the mother of my kids and it's only fair she knows before they tell her." She said pointing to the paparazzi while fastening her seatbelt.

"You mean father?" Charlie says as Quinn started the car. Charlie likes saying that sometimes just to get underneath her skin.

"Stop that! Okay, you know how she was when we first started dating and your son other mother has one too. I don't see what the big deal is about?" Quinn said looking over at her sister in the passenger seat "they were only kids and San was fine with them calling her that since they were three." She said pulling away from the curb.

When the kids were three they asked her one day why they have two mommies instead of a mommy and a daddy. Santana didn't know how to explained to them that she was special or she has the same equipment Carson have in between his legs. At first they didn't want to tell the twins she was special till they were old enough and thinking that she was a freak and being embarrassed about it. Jordan didn't know any better since he was only following his sister and brother and his first word was da da.

She hasn't been on a date in years since she and Santana been together since high school and everything is just a new stepping ground for her to learn about someone new who isn't Santana. She hopes Santana doesn't get mad about her seeing someone else less than 24 hours after she told her that she wanted to see other people, but not someone who kind of look likes her. She just hopes she's not making a mistake about taking this in the wrong direction trying to figure out what she needs for herself.

It's been over thirty minutes since Santana asked Beth to go get her brothers and she only came back with Jordan. After taking a shower she throw on some black cargo shorts and a purple v neck shirt, she walked to Carson room.

"Hey, buddy are you ready to go?" She asked knocking on the door while opening it.

He looked up to the door when he heard her voice and turned his back on her as she walks into the room. He really didn't want to be here anymore and just wanted to be home with his mommy. He knew they not a normal family but he wanted everything back like if was before Santana left for her last tour. Santana seen that look before and knew he was mad about something. Just like herself she has a bad side and being Carson a mini version of herself has one too. The first time she even met his bad side wasn't pretty and they end up grounded him for three weeks and taking away his game systems.

"Car-car, are you feeling okay?" She asked sitting down on the edge of his bed to check his forehead.

"Don't touch me!" He said with an attitude as she barely touches him and pulling the covers up to cover himself. She was shocked when he raised his voice at her.

"Hey, young man watch your tone of voice! I asked were you feeling okay, I haven't done nothing to you." She said very sternly as she pulls the covers back to uncover him.

"I wanna go home!" The nine year old yells out at her. She doesn't know where this attitude was coming from and she doesn't like it one bit.

"Carson Russell Fabray-Lopez! " She yells out and before she knew it she was yelling in Spanish when Lauren came in the room. She didn't know what exactly was going on till she saw Carson trying to kick her.

"I hate you Santana! I HATE YOU! I wanna go home! I want my mommy!" He started screaming and at the point Santana broke down. She never in her life heard her kids call her by her first name, never and the look in his eyes right now could kill someone.

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