~daydreams of daisy~

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Hailey looked at her notebook as she scribbled stick figures of her and daisy. Holding hands, kissing, and hugging with hearts above their heads. She was a horrible artist but she considered them a work of art.   All she thought about was daisy...daisy- DAISY! She blushed and looked out the window there were flurries of snow falling. Well, it was almost December. It would be December the day after tomorrow so it made sense. 

     "Hailey!" She looked up and saw her tall middle-aged teacher looking down at her. 

   "Huh?" Hailey got started and looked around the room she saw Sean and Jake...

  "I asked you a question..." Hailey gulped looking around the room

 "I'm sorry miss- I didn't hear..." she sighed and looked annoyed. 

 "ahem...I wonder if anyone else heard me!" She walks around the room. 

 "Miss!" A girl quickly stood up with her long navy ponytail flowing behind her. Hailey didn't know her so well all she knew she was new, and her name was Stacy. "You asked her for the capital of new york! The capital of new your is Albany!" she smiled and sat back down. 

    "Great job Stacy..." She cleaned her glasses. "Hailey...What is the capital of the US?" 

  "ALBANY!" She shouted everyone laughs except for sean. 

 "Ha! It's Washington DC!" I hear Zoey chuckled "Even I know that!" she put her head on her desk and started cracking up like she was going to pee herself. 

    "Settle down..." the teacher sat down at her desk. "Hailey I don't think you were lis-"  Then the loud bell rang and everyone scurried out! Hailey ran out as fast as she could because she didn't want to hear the word "extra homework" or "in my class at lunch" or even "detention for you!" 

   Hailey ran out the doors like a rocket when she ran into Daisy...


Under the mistletoe (haisy fanfic)/late Christmas specialDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora