⚜first date⚜

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daisy was running home to get her homework done. "I need to pass,"she said to herself over and over again in her head. she bumped into a tall hot guy....jake

"h-hey daisy..." he said "fancy seeing you here" he was blushing, daisy was looking up at him eager to hear his response. "I LIKE YOU!!" he yelled. he liked her?! what. daisy didn't think twice about responding.

"YES!" she said in his face "ill go out with you! T-tonight 730" she said as she gave him a peck on the cheek.

she didn't really think, just that she wanted to date him! she dressed in a long flowy white dress, with white hoop earrings, and glittery heels. she walked out with her periwinkle purse. "mom I'm going out!" daisy said.

"I'm so happy for you my smart little muffin." said her mom as she kissed daisy on the head. "have fun!"

"and make me grandchildren!" said her dad from a chair in the living room as he closed a book.

"DAD!EW!" daisy yelled as she blushed with embarrassment. "bye!"she says with a wave

at the restaurant,jake was in a suit and bowtie.

"oh hi...daisy" says jake. daisy sees him and walks across the street.

"hey jake!" says daisy holding his hand.

"s-so should w-we go in!"

"shur let's go,"daisy says as she skips into the building.

hand in hand they sit at a table in the front of the room. It has a bright blue rose in a vase with little water, poor flowers...

"Hello." says a familiar voice "welcome to the romantic aura dining area, I'm Luke and I will be your server." the two look up and see buttercup eyes staring at them "wait is that you jake!" he says.

"yes and I'm daisy! Your luke right!" daisy says

"Yes you two on a date?!" he says looking at jake

"Yes! I have a girlfriend!!" jake says. The whole front of the room looks at him.

"that's right" daisy hesitates "we're dating.."

"Well,THAT'S cute! You stright spaghetti" says a taller guy from behind luke. It was zander "don't get distracted the competition is in a week!" zander shakes his head

"zander, I think he will perform fine" luke pats his back. "this is the first date!"


"yep, can I start you off with some appetizers or drinks?" Luke takes out a small pad of paper and an orange pen.

    "hmm it all looks so good...ill have some tap water please and...the um the mini salad for an appetizer thank you." she hands her appetizer menu to luke, with a smile.

"ill have the mini pizzas!" says jake

"that is tomato and mozzarella with fresh basil." zander says annoyed "as a European I find that offensive"

"OK! ill have that please, Tomato with Mozza and very fresh bazil!" he says mockingly expecting people to laugh but nobody found it funny

"ok then, luke says grabbing Jake's appetizer menu out of his hand. "goodbye!"

"bye thank you, daisy says with a wave." 

 Hai my cattle i hope you enjoyed this chapter!
 sorrry i didn't know how to end it TwT


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