Chapter One: Yinji's Morning

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TW// Medication, SH Scars, and degradation.

Yinji sat on his bed working on yet another drawing for the night, if you weren't aware, yinji doesn't sleep, it's not cause he a vampire or an insomniac he just, doesn't. Endeavor says it cause hes crazy but yinji just thinks it's his way of avoiding the terrifying nightmares. Yinji quietly finished the doodle and shoved it into his binder that was under the bed of stories and drawings then stood. He swayed a bit but got his balance, stretching before heading into the living room/kitchen of his apartment, he smiled a bit at the lovely chirping from his bird and went over, lifting the blanket off the black birds cage. The bird reminded him of aizawa, the bird being a gift from hawks to help him keep his calm when alone and it just that, helped him stay calm. Having something to take care of would get yinjis mind off of whatever it was. He opened the cage door and the bird happily chirped as yinji took out the water, cleaning then  refilling it before doing the news paper. The sea green eyed male chuckled as the bird landed on his shoulder and he went to make breakfast for the both of them, making a small plate of fruit for the bird and toast for himself with a Wonster (just for copy write safety-) He ate quietly, staring off till a beep of his phone caught his attention 'The hell?' The male thought picking up his phone. It was only 7am, he knew no one that would be purposely up at this time. He tensed as he stared at the contact: fuckface -<-
He hesitated with even unlocking his phone, 'Endeavor couldnt... he wouldn't send something I could use against him via text right? So... there's nothing to be scared of yinji... it's just a text...' The younger thought, staring at the contact in fear before slowly unlocking his phone. His typed in the code then slowly clicked on the messages, slowly opening endeavors message and frowned 'audio Message... deletes after 12 hours... of course' Yinji sighed and set his phone down and hit play as he ate quietly.
'Dammit yinji!! You obviously don't check your fucking email!! Ive sent you the next message debrief. I can't fucking believe I got up early just to fucking yell at you!! God damn you. Fucking useless. And sense I'm already doing this you have a 12 hour patrol at 6:00 tonight. So don't be fucking stupid and be late or else. I'll see you at six, useless.' The audio ended and yinji sighed, he wasn't surprised endeavor was pissed with him again. He stood, putting his plate in the sink and headed to the bathroom to change, brush his teeth and a few other things. He stared silently at the mirror examining his face, slowly staring into his own eyes. "So bland..." He sighed and got around, quickly getting changed, his eyes scanning over the numerous scars that littered his arms and thighs. He had to rip his eyes away and pulled his hoodie on over his head, ruffling the hair he had just brushed and huffed annoyed "dammit..." he brushed it just to hate it and fluff it up "works.... I need to shower at some point.... but not right now." He reached and opened the medicine cabinet, taking out a few orange bottles and opened them, taking out the correct dosage and took them all at once dry. He didn't care for the taste, he always did it this way. He took a small breath and turned exiting the bathroom as the bird flew back to its cage, signaling it was done eating, causing yinji to go to the kitchen and load the dishes, setting it to run then closed it, going to the bird. "You, behave well I'm gone, I should be in a bit from my errands. And yes I'll buy more fruit." He smiled and scratched the birds head as it cooed and went into its cage, yinji heading to get his shoes on. He tapped on his shoes and grabbed his keys, double checking his phone was in his pocket then left, checking the time as the door closed. 8:36 am. 'Huh, not bad timing. The store opens soon.' He turned and headed out of the apartment complex.
Yinji walked quietly, staring off as he shoved his hands into his pockets, he started to cross the street, not noticing the car running the red light until the last second. Panic filled the male, causing him to freeze and unable to move. He could see the drivers face, they panicked seeming to slams on the break but it was too late for them to stop. Yinji went to block his face but winced when he felt something else hit him, a figure, talking him down to the ground panting. Yinji let out the breath he didn't know he was holding, looking to the figure. He blinked when he saw the familiar black hair of one of his best friends, aizawa. Aizawa got up angerily, storming over to the now stopped car and hit the top glaring at the driver.
"FUCKING PAY ATTENTION DIPSHIT!! You almost hit someone!!" The driver fearfully nodded, staring at aizawa pissed off red eyes. The pissed vampire turned back around and went to Yinji, helping him stand to his feet and picked up his phone and keys. "Hey, you okay Hunter? I hope tackling you didn't hurt you to much." He sounded genuinely worried which shocked Yinji a lot but he shook it off, taking his phone and keys.
"Yeah I'm fine, thanks fangs," He smiled at the vampire like he would any other day "though I should've been paying attention as well even though it was my turn to cross. But really, I'm fine, just a bit scuffed up." Aizawa huffed and smacked the top of his head.
"Than pay attention stupid."
"Okay okay I will!" Yinji laughed causing aizawas heart to skip a beat and his breathing hitch for a second.  "I'm gotta go through fangs, I have errands to run," Yinji smiled "And you. Need to get to your job." Aizawa blinked, having completely forgotten he had been on his way to UA.
"Right, be safe and not stupid." Aizawa pat the smaller ones head and headed off, Yinji couldn't help the small smile forming and turned, heading to get his errands finished. It took him about an hour but he left the store with four bags, all varying in items and headed off. He walked quietly, looking up at the apartment complex and bounded up the stairs, stopping at an apartment door and checked the number twice then the bags, setting one down that was full of snacks and stuff to make proper meals then knocked heading off. He could hear the door opened and a confused voice mutter. Yinji looking back to see the second eldest todoroki Boy, Natsuo, picking up the bag confused but chuckled, realizing and smiled, going back inside his apartment causing Yinji to smile more. It felt nice, the kids he was close with, mainly due to working with their dad but he enjoyed checking up on them and getting them stuff he knew they'd need. He walked calmly, heading towards the only daughter of the family. He smiled at the small house she owned. He was so proud of her. The bluenette headed up the stairs to the house and rung the door bell, setting down the bag and just as he turned the door opened.
"Ya know I knew you'd be here today Yinji," She leaned on the doorframe smirking, knowing she caught him. "So, wanna tell me why ya do this every Monday?" He sighed and turned back to facing her
"Okay okay, fine, you kids mean a lot to me. Like, a lot a lot. And your all so big and your busy and you forget sometimes to go shopping, well Natsuo does at-least. And I know you don't like bathroom stuff, and shoto can't ever buy his favorite treats so I just... get it for you guys, it doesn't do any harm! I get payed really well!" Yinji huffed, shocked he actually had to explain himself as she chuckled and smiled.
"Well thank you Yinji, it means a lot, but ya don't got to do it so secretly, you can say hi ya know." Yinji smirked.
"Nah, I prefer to do it secretly then ya don't know it's me. Plus natsuo thinks it's some secret admirer" he chuckled at the thought and Fuyumi giggled.
"Well thank you again Yinji, it means a lot... you on duty with dad tonight?" Yinji huffed.
"How the hell did you know?"
"Dad sends me his schedule so I know what days he's home so I can make him meals."
"You cook for your dad?"
"Of course I do. The poor guy would starve or end up only eating fast food."
Yinji huffed "maybe by then he'd die."
She huffed "Yinji luster!!"
"Sorry sorry. I gotta go if I wanna get shoto his baggy."
"Okay okay. Bye! Thanks again"
He smiled and headed off holding the two left over bags in one hand and used his other to check his phone and look at the time. 11:06 am 'hell yeah, I'm making awesome time!' Yinji walked, shoving his phone into his pocket and walked quicker this time. He knew Endeavor would be out till noon, meaning he had to be fast. He ended up jogging the whole way there, enjoying the breeze that hit him as he jogged. He looked up at the house, the big house that gave off such a negative feeling if you knew what happened there, and Yinji did. Yinji had been over the night of shotos accident, he had been arguing with endeavor outside when shotos scream of pain and Yinji ran in before endeavor, entering the kitchen as Rei dropped the kettle, panicking trying to help the screaming child. At the hospital endeavor had sent Rei away, yinji sitting with shoto as he hiccuped and held onto him, that causing him to become attached to the family, understanding the hatred for the father. He stared at the house but shook his head, running up to the house and went around to shotos window, knocking. He watched as a figure came over and pushed opened the window, the peppermint haired boy leaning out and smiled at who he saw.
"Yinji hey"
"Hey sho! Weekly drop off" he held the bag up to the boy and he happily took it, looking inside then walked off, putting the contents in their normal spots then went back over. "How's your dad been treating ya? Everything okay?"
"Weirdly... he's been... kind... ish. No harsh training and no hitting. I won't complain. It's nice..."
"Weird but I'm glad," he stood on his toes hugging shoto tight as he hugged back tightly. "Ive gotta go before your dad gets back, don't need to lose my head before I'm even on shift."
"Yeah, be safe Yinji" shoto stepped back waving as Yinji waved back and jogged off out of the yard, shoto closing his window. Yinji smiled and jogged out of the property but yelped when he felt himself be picked up and could feel the ground vanish, his mind instantly went to a pissed off endeavor as he quickly apologized repeatedly, shaking but blinked when he heard a laugh.
"Yo Yinji chill!! It's just me!!" The male kept laughing as Yinji looked up, it was hawks. The male was laughing his ass off as he flew holding Yinji by his arms, his blond hair blown backwards due to him flying but he smiled like a dork making Yinji growl.
"Feathers you utter ass!!!" He huffed but yelped when Hawks threw Yinji into the air then caught him on his back, laughing as Yinji glared. "Your a jerk."
"Oh you love me~"
Yinji huffed and leaned forward, resting his head on Hawks Head. "I almost got hit today."
"Fangs tackled me out of the way... if it weren't for him I'd... be dead..."
Hawks sighed "Yinji...."
"It was my turn to cross!! The dumbass just ran the red light!! Fucking maniac!"
Hawks chuckled "like you've got room to talk."
"Oh shut it. Thanks to fangs I wasn't hit... luckily..."
"Yeah! I'm glad your were hit."
Yinji rolled his eyes "could ya drop me off at my apartment?"
"Nope! I'm taking you to lunch!!" Yinji groaned as Hawks laughed. "Cmon Yinji, you focus on others and barely spend money on yourself. Hell I'm sure you spend more on the bird then yourself."
"I spend money on myself."
"On what?"
"Meds. Clothes, toothpaste, paper, colored pencils and normal pencils." Hawks huffed.
"Still, the mess you have too, clothes and toothpaste are necessities and the last three things are what keep you busy besides work and the bird. Sometimes I regret ge-" Yinji cut him off quickly.
"Don't!!!! Please I love the bird!!! He's so lively and sits on my shoulder and plays with my hair... and makes me feel not alone... and he... reminds me of Fangs.." Hawks chuckled softly
"Okay okay I see your point. Fine. You can keep him but I'm buying you lunch today okay?"
"Fiiiiiiiine" he groaned and held his bag tight, making sure to not drop it as Keigo flew, the breeze hitting Yinji felt nice, it helped him relax as they flew   He blinked when he realized they were nearing UA.
"Hey where are we going?"
"To pick up Aizawa, he's joining" Yinji blinked, able to feel his face heat up but he didn't understand why so he ignored it, sliding off as hawks landed. "Stay here. Imma go grab him" he headed inside as Yinji leaned on the wall, kicking a pebble on the ground and watched it bounce away. Yinji looked up at the sky, clear and bright blue. He smiled a bit at that, the calmness, the white fluffy clouds that littered the sky. It felt nice. He let his eyes closed but they snapped open. The sky suddenly a bloody red. The clouds were gone replaced by trees. He was in a clearing, the trees hung low, like arms reaching out to grab him, it terrified him. He backed away from the trees and tripped over something, landing with a loud thud onto warm and yet, he shakily to his hands, suddenly both were covered in bloody mud. He held back a scream and looked to what he tripped on. A corpse. Not any random corpse, his mother's, her eyes dead and staring at him, blood dripped on her face and her hair pulled back, showing the massive ripped area on her neck. His breathing picked up, staring at his mother's lifeless face, shaking heavily before being snapped back to reality by a hard smack to the head. He looked quickly to see Hawks looking at him worried and Aizawa standing infornt of him hand raised.
"Dumbass get out of your head. Don't need ya almost getting hit again." Yinji smiled and chuckled.
"Sorry sorry Fangs, got distracted staring at the sky."
Aizawa raised an eyebrow "sky huh? Why ya on the ground then?" Yinji blinked, looking around as he realized he was on the ground, like he had fallen.
"I... uhm... I started to walk and tripped"
"Uh-huh, sure" Aizawa stood up from his crouched state and helped Yinji stand up. Yinji quietly dusted himself off as Hawks smiled
"the whole crew us here!!! Let's go!!!" He turned and headed down the sidewalk, yinji chuckling and jogged to catch up, aizawa walking next to Yinji, smiling gentjy as the two brothers chatted away about crazy things. It was nice seeing the three get along so calmly.
They ended up going to a yakisoba shop, which held a wide variety of foods and of course had something chicken, the only reason hawks would waste money at a place, no chicken equals no money from the number three Hunter. The group chatted happily, yinji and hawks the loudest of the small group, if you didn't know them you'd probably think they were two drunk idiots but they weren't. After lunch Yinji excused himself, explaining how he needed to get home in time to get around for his shift, which was a lie. He felt drained, his social battery empty as he bowed then turned, headed home. He walked calmly, enjoying the calm but loud air. He loved Tokyo, couldn't imagine living anywhere else. It was nice, calm but busy, and everything was in walking distance, which was nice for the male who didn't have a license. When he stepped inside his apartment he slid off his shoes and kicked them to the side, setting the bag down on the table then flopped on the couch. "I can lay here for a few hours..." He stared at the roof, spacing off once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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