"Small Mistake~" (Nightmare)

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(Requested by Madtitanic . This turned into an apocalypse scenario on accident? Sorry?)
I walked through the deserted streets, hands in my pockets. Ever since the attack, most were afraid to go outside. What attack, you may ask? Well, most of the monsters broke out of the underground. No one knows why it happened, but it did.

As I walked, I looked around. The small flower shop now deserted, the once vibrant, beautiful flowers wilting in the boxes by the window. The grocery store, empty. As far as we know, no shipments have come in. That or people were ambushing the shipments who show up. No matter the cause, I was hungry. The supply I had stored up had ran out, which was partly due to eating when I was bored.

As I walked, I kept my hand in my pocket. In there was a small knife, my parents had taken the rest with them in the middle of the night. They hadn't left me a lot. But I blame them.

As I took a shortcut back home, through the woods, I couldn't get rid of the feeling of being watched. I turned in time to see something in a tree. The snow was blinding white, the sun bouncing off into my eyes. As I walked faster to escape the watcher, I tripped and fell into a pit. It seemed to be dug by someone small, then expanded on later, but as I tried to stand up my ankle brought to my attention it was hurting.

I hissed out, looking around. It looked like someone snapped and the dirt here just vanished. There were several cleanly cut roots and other bugs, even Earthworms. I looked up and saw a figure, as something black dripped down on my cheek. I bent down and wiped it off to look at it, but before I could, I was lifted up by my ankle.

I looked at what had grabbed it, it seemed to be a black tentacle, parts of it blue in the light as my pulse picked up. Eww...it was slimy around my ankle, wet but also not, as I squirmed, being lifted up.

Holy shit.

This...skeleton had black bones the same color as his tentacles, easily 7 feet tall. I winced as my ankle started to throb, I stared into its eyes. They chuckled, staring into my eyes as I held onto myself, shaking. I shut my eyes tight. "Let....let me go...please.." they hummed out, and smirked, I could hear it in their deep voice. "That can't happen unless you earn it.." I shivered at how he sounded, deciding then and there from his voice alone. I looked at them warily. "What...do I have to do?" I asked softly.

He smirked at me, it sending chills an my spine. "What's your name, kid?" I shut my eyes and shakily responded. "(Y...Y/N)..." he chuckled. "Sounds like a good name, telling how..." he cut himself off, just smirking.

He chuckled. "Well... there's two tunnels here, leading different directions. You'll have a minute to find a way out before I cone after you." I shivered, but nodded. "F-Fine... whatever you say..." I was set back on the ground, right side up, as the skeleton snapped, two paths opening. He turned as I ran down the left tunnel, going as fast as I could, managing to dig a hole in the side of the path, easily unnoticeable.

I crawled inside as I heard him walking down, whistling. My heart was pounding hard against my ribs, I held onto myself trying to stop it from being so loud, I couldn't see him, the hole wasn't wide enough for me to turn around. I was stuck there, feet facing the path, as I listened to him gradually get closer. I was shaking, wondering if I should've dug more, when I felt something wrap around my ankle and pull me out of the hole. I tried to squirm, to hold onto something in the tunnel, managing to grab onto a root that was poking into my side earlier. With a single tug, I lost a grip on it as the skeleton chuckled. "Found you..."

I squirmed, as he thought. "Hmm...what to do..." I tried to peel his tentacle off from around my ankle, but it didn't work. He snapped when he got an idea. "Perfect~" he hummed out, as I shivered. I looked at him as he lifted me up. "W-What are you-" I was cut off to him opening his mouth under me, several strands of saliva connecting his bottom and top teeth, his tongue out, the inside looking extremely wet. I begun to squirm, pushing against his face, trying to close his mouth. "N-No!" In my panic, one of my hands slipped in, him pushing in the other. He chuckled, looking at me. "Looks like a small mistake you made~" he hummed out, licking my hands and swallowing, pulling my arms in hard, lowering me down as he opened his mouth wider. He swallowed again, getting to my stomach in one gulp, my clothes getting soaked as I tried to squirm, my hands and most of my upper body trapped by how tight his throat was.

Seeing through his throat, to the hole I hid in, my heart sank. Why was this happening to me? I was just trying to get home...

He swallowed again, one hand on his stomach as he anticipated what bulge I would make. I could feel his tapping as my hands entered what must be his stomach. It was so hot in there, as he swallowed again, me trying to struggle. I probably wouldn't make that large of a bulge, he could walk around and no one would be the wiser. I squirmed more, soaked and shaking, if anyone saw me, they would think I'm pathetic. Stuck in a skeleton who shouldn't even be able to do this. As my head slipped into his stomach, I could see it was slightly transparent. That could be my key to escaping, I know it. Someone just has to see me inside..

As the rest of me slipped into his stomach, it started to push in, kneading me to get me to submit as I squirmed, trying to kick out. It was like an oven in there, it was surprising how I could still breathe, the air humid. I squirmed, as my struggles weakened, the heat overpowering me, my eyes fluttering shut as the skeleton hummed in delight, pushing in on his stomach.
(I feel good about this! Mad, and anyone else, hope you liked it! Also, go drop him a follow! He's a cool dude!)

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