"spaced out~" (Outer Sans)

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(Requested by happyfroggystool )

The stars were beautiful tonight. I saw that as I lay on my back, the cool grass pressing against my back through my shirt, still wet from the rain earlier in the day. I took a deep breath, feeling my lungs fill with the chilly night air. It couldn't get much better than this. Somewhere nearby, a cricket that was chirping went silent, and there was a bright flash of light. By the woods of the field I was laying in, there was a loud crash, and the sound of trees being uprooted. I got up, thinking it was a meteor. I could call it in, maybe!- I walked, hearing the leaves crunching under my feet as I reached an area where the dirt was blasted away.

It was a normal meteor, maybe a foot in diameter. I slid down to get a good look at it, not hearing the leaves crunching, or the found of footsteps approaching.

From the edge of the small incline, a skeleton in a dark blue jacket with fluffy, cloud-like inlay watched, feeling a pang of hunger go through him. He licked his lips. This was perfect. A little human, and a way to get back to his planet, it would all work out! He almost shook with anticipation. He slid down carefully, the small pebbles alerting you to his presence.

I turned, freezing up seeing a figure in the Dark light. It must be just another person, as I relaxed. "Hey, it's just a meteor, nothing really too interesting." I told them, walking over and holding my hand out for a handshake. Okay, this felt weird, kinda wrong. He seemed to hesitate, seeming to just stare at my hand. Okay, that was a little weird.

His heart raced as he stared at your hand, were you really?- he took the opportunity before you could change your mind, grabbing your wrist in a tight, bony grip, tugging you closer. He smirked as he saw the confused look on your face, licking his lips, his tongue glowing a blue in the Dark light.

I tried to pull away from the now-revealed skeleton, silently praying to whatever God was out there, pressed against him. What the hell was I going to do? My mind raced to remember some of the self-defense tactics I learned years ago, getting lost in my thoughts as I true  to work it out, not noticing the skeleton lifting my hands to his mouth, or when a warm, damp feeling surrounded them. But I sure as hell snapped out of it when I felt the feeling spread up, my arms felt like they were in a warm tube that rippled around them. I quickly looked at the skeleton, and paled seeing my arms vanishing into the blue, glowing void of his mouth. I tried to back up, but before I could, the skeleton wrapped an arm around my waist, holding me securely in place. I tried to scream for help as I felt him swallow again, my face pressed against his as I looked at him, my breath caught in my throat, the paralyzing fear evident in my eyes. The monster purred, his tongue wrapped around my arms as he opened his mouth wider, to fit my head.

I was pale as a sheet by then, as he swallowed again, my face dangerously close to his throat, my arms already down. How does it even do this!? This isn't possible! Within a few quick swallows, he was at my waist, and I felt my hands enter a slightly wider area. I cursed softly under my breath, feeling myself being squeezed down. He was taking his time now, knowing I couldn't escape. He purred at my taste, causing me to shiver, as my clothes stuck to me. Soon enough I was down, the stomach walls forcing me to curl into a ball, forcing me into submission as they pulsed, pushing in on me. The skeleton monster burped, taking the last amount of my air out, as a struggled to get the oxygen I needed, he made a small laugh as everything went to black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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