Chapter 35 - Hype

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Lilliana's Outfit

I smiled, staring at the hype house

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I smiled, staring at the hype house. No matter how many times I had been to the house, it still seemed huge to me. Even when I lived in the Sway house for those seven months.

I could hear Charli and Dixie talking behind me, but I continued to stare at the mansion. before I heard Dixie and Charli saying my name.

"Lilliana, Come on. Ryland opened the gate," Dixie said, tapping on my shoulder, and snapping me out of my gaze.

"Sorry, coming," I say, following behind her and Charli as they enter. Ryland closed the gate from behind as we headed into the house.

"Lilliana, I haven't you in forever," Mia shouted, running towards me. I opened my arms, knowing what was about to happen.

I laughed, watching her arms wrap around my small figure. Behind Mia, I saw Thomas and Alex. Their vlog cameras were out, recording our interactions and laughing at us.

Mia continued hugging me as I saw Kouvr, Nick, Patty, Nikita, Larray, Calvin and Chase enter the room, laughing once they saw Mia and me. Kouvr, Nikita, and Larray walk over hugging Dixie and Charli before joining in on Mia and me's hug, along with Dixie and Charli.

"I missed you, guys! It feels like forever since I saw you," I say. Everyone released from the hug, smiling at my statement.

"Yeah, I know! Last time I saw you, you were still blonde," Kouvr says, as everyone laughs, looking at my new hair. I forgot how different I looked. The past three days everything had just happened so fast.

"Yeah, I just needed a change," I admit, looking at my friends, and seeing their understanding faces.

"I love you! you're a bad bitch who could rock any hairstyle," Larry says, clapping his hands. The girls nodded their heads, agreeing with him. I smiled, laughing at how much I missed this.

"Yes, bitch," Larray screams, arguing with Nikita. I hadn't been paying attention. It wasn't anybody's fault but my own. Hanging out with everybody reminded me of Sway.

The whole house had this family dynamic. I used to have with Sway. Being here made me miss them, but I still hadn't built up the courage to talk to any of them.

The only person I talked to from Sway was Noah. Only really when he is at Dixie's. I have talked to Josh a few times, but it was only a hi and bye. He was sometimes with Nessa when we had our Facetime calls.

I just felt awkward calling them. They are always going to be Bryce's friends, and I would never want to get between them.

Kouvr's Pov

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