Chapter 1- Cell gets involved

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Moving forward 7 years, Cell has become quite a good amount stronger. In fact, he's improved more than any of the Z fighters have in this time, because unlike them, he had something to work for. Revenge.

While Gohan has slacked off, Vegeta has done some training, but not much, and Goku is training with King Kai, which hasn't strengthened him much, Cell has been using his motivation and the gravity chamber that scientist left him to become, well, we don't wanna be too kind to him.

every Z fighter has incredible potential, but Cell happens to have a mix of that potential, along with some evil forces.

He has the mixed potential of Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Frieza, and King Cold. And now he's learned he has the DNA of humans? But, let us not make him strong enough to wipe out universes with a finger.

Cell has just increased in power to the point where he's stronger than Goku's Super Saiyan 3, and on par with Gohan's mystic form.

Anyways, The perfect being was watching something on a small TV that happened to be inside the gravity chamber, When he finds out, a tournament is going to happen.

He has his reasons to not go at first, but decides, why not? The Z fighters have likely accepted him as dead, so even if they try to kill him, it'll be fun, right? Not like they can handle him now.

Once at the tournament, Cell enters the room with all the fighters, and immediately, he hears a familiar voice. Goku? But that can't be. He died! Then Cell notices something. That halo.. Goku hasn't come back to life. Time for him to be here must be temporary. Best if he shows them his time on earth, unlike that saiyan, is permanent.

So, he does what Vegeta, and eventually someone who steals Goku's body for evil would do. He sits there, giving those imperfect fighters a smirk, as he claps at a rather neutral speed before stopping completely.

"Well, well.. It appears I'm late. Sorry I missed the reunion."

Allow us to skip to when everyone is flying towards Babidi's ship, since the tournament isn't necessarily changing. Cell was giving Gohan a look, not necessarily dirty, or a look of hate, but one of confusion. He doesn't feel that strong flame inside the boy anymore, and if it's there, then it is likely in the form of a slowly dying ember.

'Is this even Gohan?'

Cell thought to himself. Hell, the half breed hasn't gained any strength. He almost seems weaker. But Cell won't worry about that right now, they're coming up on the ship.

Once inside, it appears they must face certain challenges, In the form of Pui Pui and Yakon.

The gang wants to play rock paper scissors in order to find out who goes first. Even Cell joins in on this. Though, he loses both times. On purpose though, because he feels like he'll get his moment. So the fights against the brainwashed fighters go as planned.

Next stage though, is Dabura. The only people that haven't fought yet are Gohan and Cell, so they're up for Rock Paper Scissors.

Here's his time to shine. And he wins. Cell earns his fight against Dabura.

Though, the Supreme Kai warns the Perfect Being.

"Cell. I know you're the kind that's eager to test out any new strength. But please, try not to use too much energy!"

Cell looks over at shin, and replies-

"Oh? Well, as you wish."

The Bio Android uses instant transmission to get up to the Demon King, just to completely disintegrate the Demon under Babidi's control with one fell swoop of common, yellow ki that everyone can shoot.

Everyone's face turns to an expression of shock, as Babidi panics. That was his strongest defense, this green guy just shows up and boom, Demon King's gone like he never existed!

Something about this Cell guy reminds Shin of.. Well, an important purple cat we'll see later on.

Cell says, kind of to himself-

"Was he really the right choice for a king? I'd give him the duty of being the jester."

Cell chuckles to himself. He isn't a good guy yet, but he's having a good time.

Speaking of him not being a good guy yet, Babidi just got an idea.

Suddenly, Perfect Cell's head starts hurting, as he drops to the ground, grunting and shouting in both anger  and pain.

Shin knows what this is, and tries to encourage Cell into fighting it.

"Cell, don't let him take control of you, no matter what he offers! You must fight it!"

Cell replies with-

"I'm trying, DAMN IT!"

Suddenly, Cell turns around, giving one final yell of agony before his head goes down and his power rises a bit..

He lets out a sigh, and when his head turns back towards the band of Saiyans and Creation Gods, he has an evil, almost crazy looking grin and wide, bloodshot eyes. He's staring right at Gohan.

That's when everyone notices, there's a massive, white M on his head.

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