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ᴠᴏᴛᴇ x ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛ

ғʀᴇᴅ's ᴘᴏᴠ

when I woke up harry was still sleeping in my arms. his tail was around my waist and his head on my shoulder. I smiled and played with his ears, he didnt wake up to this anymore so I could do it with out him complaining

"Freddie" George whispered, he had Cedric in his arms, Cedrics back was to me and he was snorring softly

"your a bottom arent you" I whispered smirking. George laughed softly

"maybe" he mumbled, Cedric was the same height as us, and the way George acted around him kinda proved my point

"I'm top" I said trying to hold my laugh

"oh maybe we are different after all" he whispered. I bit my tongue to hold my laugh

"shut upp" Cedric groaned. I smiled widely and hid my face in Harry's hair

"cant a cat sleep?! you shut up yellow git" harry mumbled back. I laughed and kissed Harry's head

"cant a single fucking man sleep?! you all shut the fuck up" lee yelled. we all laughed but Cedric who just pulled George closer.

I played with Harry's ears again watching as he slowly went back to sleep. he looked so beautiful, be always did. but when we was sleeping his face was relaxed and you could make out his defined features, and with out his glasses in the way it was easier to see the shapes of his eyed and how long his eyelashes really are. he was a beautiful person, I was so lucky to have him

"you're drooling" George said in a bored tone, I looked up to see his eyes fixed on me. I smiled and shrugged

"admiring my kitten" I whispered before looking back down at harry.

soon everyone was awake, we didnt have classes today so we were taking turns at wizards chess, all but harry that is for he was rather happy sitting in the windowsill with the sun in his eyes.

"you must have cheated!" lee almost yelled as I won. i smirked and shook my head

"I didnt cheat" I said simply, he could tell I was lying.

"fred" harry complained from the windowsill. I got up and walked over to him

"kitten?" I asked standing next to him

"I want cuddles" he said quietly like it was the biggest secret. I smiled and picked him up taking him to my bed and sat with my back against the headboard.

I let him move around until he was comfortable which resulted with him in between my legs, me half laying down half sitting up with his head on my chest and his arms around my torso. I moved my arm to lay across his back, my hand rested on his ass and my other hand playing with his ears.

"you're touching the but of a cat your not dead" lee jokingly said in amazement. I smiled, not really paying attention to him but focusing all on harry.

he moved to look up at me and smiled as his tail swayed higher. I laughed and kissed his forehead

"i love you so much harry Potter" I whispered softly

"and I love you Mr Fred Weasley" he mumbled back. I smiled and pulled him up to my lips and let mine smash into his.

the rest of my life I will spend with this boy, I would do anything for him. I already have, I had to ignore my own twin brother. but I would do so so much more, absolutely anything.

I love him, I never thought I would love anyone so much. I know this is only the start of mine and Harry's story, the start of a new chapter in my life. I'm sure the same goes for Cedric and George.

the end

an: I'm so sorry for cutting this story short, ik it was an asshole thing of me to do but I'm sick of this story already 😂 I hope you dont mind, I'll definitely write another one,

thank you all for reading, I love you all so much


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