3- Quidditch World Cup (part 1)

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"Y/n, Y/n... Y/N!!" I opened my eyes to see Fred telling me to get up. Later when he had realized that I was awake he sat on his knees beside the bed in my eye level.

"Am I always going to be the one who wakes you up? Because the others are already eating breakfast downstairs so you better hurry up sleepyhead." He said with a grin. I rolled over pulling my blanket over my head but as soon as I got in a new comfortable position he ripped it off of me and lifted me up in bridal style on his way downstairs.

"Fred Weasley what are you doing?! Put me down!" I yelled as we got out of Ginnys room.

"Nope love. I know that if I put you down you will go back to sleep, but that's not an option today!" I could feel my face heat up a little at the new nickname and luckily he didn't seem to notice.

"Please Fred. I have legs also you know, there is no need to carry me." He stopped in his path looking me up and down in his grip.

"Hmm.. nope. I don't see any. Guess I'll have to carry you the rest of the way." He then continued to walk down the stairs. As we got in the kitchen George sat there smiling at us.

"Why carrying Y/n, Fred? Can't she walk on her own?" He said with a grin. Fred then put me down and I went and sat down next to Hermione and Ginny.

"Nope, she can't. Or. She couldn't." Fred answered and George just gave me and Fred a wink before going back to his conversation with Bill.

"So Y/n. How have you been? I didn't really get a chance to talk to you yesterday and it feels like I haven't seen you in ages." Hermione smiled at me.

"Well I have been okay I guess. This summer have been kind of boring but it will be better now as we are going to the World Cup!" We talked quite a while after that but our conversation broke as Arthur told us it was time to go.

"Weasley's, Y/n, Harry and Hermione. We have quite a bit of a walk so we better get going now. Pack your stuff and meet me outside."
Everyone except me went up to pack their stuff. Mine was already packed because I didn't unpack it yesterday.

"Wait, wait, wait... what do you mean with walk? Are we going to walk to the cup?"

"Well we aren't exactly walking to the cup. We are walking to a port key some miles away." Did he just say miles!? Fred and George then came down to the kitchen with their stuff and sat down beside me.

"Why so grumpy Y/n?" They asked in unison.

"We are going to walk for miles." I rested my head on the table and felt a hand on my back. As I looked up I saw Fred rubbing it.

"It's okay Y/n/n. If you get tired you can always ride on my back if you want." I sat up straight and smiled at him before answering.

"I would appreciate that. Thank you." I then left to go get my bag.
We had been walking quite a while and I started to lack after a bit. I dragged my suitcase along the floor and it felt like my legs were made of stone.
George seemed to notice because he whispered something in Fred's ear before turning around.

"Fred I think Y/n would like that ride on your back now." He said resting his arm on my shoulder.

Fred then came up in front of me. he bent down a little to make it easy for me when I was about to jump up on his back. I had placed my bag on the ground and when I was sitting I clinched my legs around his torso and held my arms around his neck so that I wouldn't fall.
He then took both mine and his bag before jogging to catch up with the others.
We had been walking a while and were soon met by Amos Diggory and his son Cedric.
We all greeted them and shook their hand. Well not Fred and George. They seemed to still be angry at Cedric for beating us in their last quidditch match against Hufflepuff.
Fred had let me down a while ago before we met the Diggorys and I was currently walking with Ginny and Hermione.

When Cedrick saw me he looked me up and down before smiling at me.

"Hi Y/n. It was quite a while ago we talked. How are you?" He asked and I smiled back as I answered.

"I am fine thank you. Are you exited about the cup? I sure am." We went together for a while and said, among other things, who we hoisted on and hoped would win the quidditch world cup. I could feel a pair of eyes on my back but decided to not pay much attention at that.

Ginny and Hermione seemed to notice me and Cedric walking with each other because they started to whisper. I then left him as he began to talk with his dad and mr. Weasley so I went back to ginny and Hermione and soon broke their conversation.

"What are you two whispering about?" I asked the two bright smiling girls.

"He totally checked you out Y/n. One of the schools hottest guys just checked you out!" I got quite shocked and started blushing a little at what Ginny was saying as I hushed her.

"Gin, he didn't we were just talking and don't talk so loud. He will hear. And that would be really awkward." But her smile just got wider.

"You totally fancy him don't you?" Hermione then said grinning. I looked at her chocked.

"No.. no Hermione I don't. Why would I?" We continued to walk behind the others as she then broke the silence.

"Oh I'm sorry. I forgot about Fred." WHAT. I now got more shocked then before because my jaw went hanging open.

"What are you talking about? Fred and I are just friends." They started to laugh again but I just went there silent.

"You should have seen how he were looking at you and Cedrick before. He looked so jealous."
So it was Fred I had felt looking at me..
Arthur then began to talk.

"Kids! We are now here!" He said as we were standing in front of a brown, old shoe.

"Um.. what is this?" Ron asked as George answered telling him it was a port key.

"I want all of you to touch the shoe when I have counted to three. Understand?" Everyone nodded at mr. Weasley and he then began to count. When he reached three everyone took the old shoe and went flying.

I then landed on something, or someone to be exact. I opened my eyes and saw Fred underneath me.

"Oh I am so sorry Fred. Here." I stood up and reached out my hand. He gladly took it and then stood up.

"Don't worry Y/n/n, I'm fine." He said smiling.

We had gotten to the quidditch World Cup and began walking to our tent as mr. Diggory and Cedric walked the other way.
As we got there the tent looked really small but the second we got inside it were bigger than I had expected.
It had bedrooms, a kitchen and a living area.

We all began unpacking before going to the arena to watch the match.

A/N: again I am sorry for an uninteresting chapter but as I said it will get better as they start their sixth year at hogwarts!!

I'll always be here (Fred Weasley x Reader) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum