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"Omi-omi, what was the point of tweeting that?" The MSBY Black Jackals were currently at a studio, waiting for their interview to begin. Atsumu was currently questioning Sakusa about his recent tweet, confirming his relationship status, that blew up. "How does that help with anything?"

"Well, that way I don't have to hide that I'm in a relationship. I just need to hide that it's you that I'm in a relationship with." Sakusa said. 

"If you were still gonna hide who you're in a relationship with, then what was the point of confirming that you are in a relationship to begin with?" Atsumu asked. 

"Stop asking questions, this seemed smarter last night." Sakusa shrugged off the topic while Atsumu just sighed.


The interview had been going smoothly so far. They had discussed many things from the relationships between players, relationships with other teams, thoughts on recent games, as well as recent plans. Then, it turned to the topic of romantic relationships.

"On the topic of romantic relationships, Sakusa-san." The lady who was interviewing them, Miyahara Risu, suddenly shifted her attention to Sakusa. "Over the past few days, there had been rumors going around that you were in a relationship and, just last night, you tweeted 'yes im in a relationship. deal with it.', confirming the rumors."

"Yes. Yes I did." Sakusa said. Atsumu felt a little anxious and shifted around a bit in his chair.

"So, I'm sure many other people are wondering this as well, what is you significant other like?" The hostess asked. The entire team had their eyes on Sakusa as they too were curious. What was the person, who managed to win over their grumpy, germaphobic spiker, like?

"If I had to describe them in one word, it would be annoying." Sakusa said with a deadpan look on his face. Atsumu frowned. "My significant other is annoying. They're annoyingly stupid, annoyingly dense, and annoyingly irritating. Yet they're annoyingly cute, annoyingly beautiful, and annoyingly charming. They are annoyingly arrogant, annoyingly stubborn, and annoyingly clingy. But at the same time they're annoyingly funny, annoyingly caring, and annoyingly adorable. They're a complete mess, and thats the best thing about them."

Sakusa's face had gradually turned from deadpan and emotionless, to soft. His usual scowl was replaced with a small smile, noticeable by the creases at the edges of his mask, and he had a fond look in his eyes. The rest of the team was fairly shocked, as they had never seen their grumpy teammate with such an affectionate look. Atsumu, who had initially frowned at Sakusa's description, had turned completely red as he hid his head in his hands. 

The hostess was a little surprised at his answer. "It seems like you really love them." She said with a gentle smile. Sakusa's cheeks turned a little pink at the statement as he looked down while fiddling with his fingers.

"Yes, I really do love Atsu." 

There was a bit of silence as everyone, including Atsumu, stared wide-eyed at Sakusa who, once again, was oblivious to what he just said. 

"By Atsu, do you perhaps mean your teammate Miya Atsumu?" The hostess asked. Sakusa, just realizing what he said, had his eyes wide as well.

"Uh, nooo?" He said with the most unconvincing tone. Atsumu buried his head deeper into his hands and in an exasperated voice he cried:



Let's just say, twitter was once again in a frenzy.



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