Heart of stone

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I stood there frozen in shock shivering in fear I looked up at Gaara. Who was in the wrong here Gaara or the anbu? The anbu tried to kill him but he killed the anbu.
"See I am a monster" and with that he walked away.

I sat on the sandy pavement outside the Kazekage office building. even though it was easily 40 degrees out here I felt cold. I hugged my knees closer to my chin. I wasn't so much freaked out about that Angus death, I freaked out about how Gaara didn't hesitate to kill someone and not deny his ruthless reputation. He was just misunderstood wasn't he? I looked at the palm of my hand. scanning it as if it would disappear at any second.

I stood up and looked up to the clear, dry, blue sky. it seemed almost endless. I ran back to the house to grab some clear scrolls and inks.

I sat at the training grounds and focused my imagination on the image of Gaara fighting the anbu if you could even call it a fight, the anbu was like a sitting duck and Gaara was the gunman his sand the bullet. I painted on the delicate scroll careful with details.

Art. I wasn't particularly good at it, but then again I wasn't shockingly awful. The brush glided over the page and I felt the art coming together. I looked at my finished piece. It was Gaara and the kanji for Monster with a huge question mark. I wrote on the top Misunderstood in Japanese. (I think that's what the photo is tell me if I'm wrong!)

----Love is Blind---

Before the suna was attacked and my parents died I remember my mother telling me over and over again "love is Blind Chloe, Love is kind, love is beautiful, but also so very very Deadly. love is what all humans crave but everyone already has love. They just need to find who gives it" though I never understood my mothers words of wisdom I constantly reflected over them, only now I see, love is blind, I'm am in love with a murderer.



I have writers block >:3

My brain is a douche

So yeah

Hence the short chapter I will try to update but the block is strong I would appreciate it if you guys wanted to help 😏😏

Leave suggestions in the comments 😉

Thanks peoples


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2015 ⏰

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