Chapter 3 | stalking like a boss

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Chloe's pov

I opened my eyes but quickly shut them due to the light I rubbed my eyes and blinked. In two days time Temari Kankuro Gaara and I were being sent to the leaf for the chunnin exam we had to go as competitors or whatever but I didn't really care about that . I sat up and slowly walked to the mirror and sighed. My blonde hair was like a birds nest and my eyes looked sleepy I was still in my pjs and my room was a mess.

I opened my wardrobe and pulled out a fish net top and put it on I put on some black leggings an put on a t-shirt and wrapped my ninja headband round my neck. I walked over to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I walked out the bathroom feeling awake, now for the hard task my hair I grabbed my hairbrush and brush my hair occasionally pulling a face in pain. My hair flopped down infront of my face and I blew it away before tying it in two tight buns.

I walked over to my cupboard and pulled out two fans both as long as my arm and slung them on my back. Then I went over to the corner of my room and choose three of my twelve scrolls and hid them in my jacket.

I left the house and ran to the training grounds.

"Hello everybody!" I shout so every one could hear me. "How are we all?" I said smiling.
"Late again Chloe" Temari sighed I laughed.
"I bumped into an ... Old lady yeah and I erm helped her" I said sheepishly
"Jeez Chloe you lie like a cheep mattress" A voice behind me said.
"Kankuro your late too so I wouldn't talk" Temari spat
"I don't care" Kankuro shrugged
"Well you should I hope you have a better excuse than Chloe here" I pouted.
"Nah I don't need to make up garbage to save myself from you Temari" Kankuro said while smirking, this only annoyed Temari so she punched him on the shoulder.
"Stop that" a new voice said causing Kankuro and Temari to flinch, I turned to see a red headed boy with a tattoo on his forehead he carried a gourd on his back, Gaara.
"Start training" Baki said.
"Temari can I spar with you?" I asked unstraping the two fans on my back.
"Sure" she replied unstrapping her fan "No puppets" she smirked.
"Fine" I said with my hands in the air. We both took a few steps back and pulled out our fans.
Temari took the first shot
"Screaming wind!" A gush of sharp wind flew
"Howling whirl!" The two attacks collided but Temaris persuade towards me.
"Hidden art Wind Wall!" I span on my heel and gave my fan some charkra. The fan started to glow with the other i threw up in the air. A thick wind barrier moulded itself around me.
"Crimson wave!" A red gush of wind blew at me and hit my defence which the disappeared.
"Blue slic..." I was cut off my some sand wrapping itself around my arm.
"No, that enough" a dark emotionless voice said. I flinched and turned and saw Gaara standing behind me. I blushed and pulled my head band up over my cheeks to hide how red I was.

But why do I love him?


We left the training grounds and went our separate ways... Except for me. I followed Gaara to see what he was doing I followed closely avoiding his line of vision. We walked down roads and wherever he went the roads parted for him as if they were scared of him which still confused me there's no way he could be scarier that the beast six years ago. Gaara then walked down aside alley to a place I didn't recognise when we came into the clearing there was a forest and a single swing tied to a tree I watched as he sat down and sighed. Only then did I realise how tired he looked he sighed and I sighed with him. Suddenly he tensed up he didn't look tired anymore. "Come out I can here you" I flinched how?
"Hi Gaara" I said waving as I walked out from behind a tree."Wassup?" He stared at me.
"What are you doing following me?" He said his expression hard and unreadable
"I umm errr wanted to errrr I have... I wanted to talk hehe" I blushed.
"Fine what do you want to talk about" he said sternly.
"I wanted to talk about why everyone seems to stay away from you?" I asked quietly. Gaara smiled evilly.
"Because I'm a monster haven't you heard" he stated smirking evilly.
"I don't think your a monster" I said "I think you're and honourable shinobi" he stared at me in shock.
"You always seem to know everything and you seem reliable like a ninja should you've helped me with my training and I don't think you deserve to be called a monster" I smiled at him.
"You don't know the half of it you've been in the dark for the past six years" my sholders tensed that was a touchy subject with me. I hated being blind for them long six years. I could've been jonnin rank by now not gennin.

"You're not a monster" I repeated when a kuni flew past me and straight at Gaara. Everything seemed to slow down but as fast as lightning a load of sand protected Gaara.
"YOU YOUNG GIRL LEAVE THE BEAST TO ME I WILL KILL IT!!" A voice boomed from behind me wait no way an anbu for suna headquarters. But still no excuse for knocking over twelveyearold girls. Gaara looked at me one last time.
"I am a monster" suddenly he lifted his hand and clenched his fists sand surrounded the anbu and squeezed around him until he exploded.
"SAND COFFIN" Gaara called and the anbu was dead....


I stood there frozen in shock shivering in fear I looked up at Gaara. Who was in the wrong here Gaara or the anbu? The anbu tried to kill him but he killed the anbu.
"See I am a monster" and with that he walked away.


Yaaaay chappy three enjoy

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