Want Your Bad Romance

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Oikawa's p.o.v
"Who was that?" I ask laughing softly as Hinata's face went from angry to soft in a blink of an eye. "It was Bakayama" He says rolling his eyes. I chuckle softly bringing Hinata into my lap wrapping a soft blanket around us. He sighs cuddling up to me. I place my hand in his soft hair and slowly rub it. He nuzzles into my hand just like a cat. This boy is way to cute for his own good. "You should come to Aoba Johsai" I say. He looks at me with shock and excitment. "If you want-" he cuts me off "OF COURSE!!!" He shouts shooting up and dancing around. This boy. I softly laugh at his actions. Who would want to hurt this little sunshine?

My little sunshine...

Kageyama's p.o.v


Who? May you ask. THAT HINATA BOKE. He just told me to tell the whole team, that he's leaving to go to a different school. AND he has a secret girlfriend. Honestly I'm surprised he hasn't been bragging about it, I will kill him. Maybe I should go ask Tanaka and Nishinoya because OBVIOUSLY he would've told them, right? Well I will think about that later. I just can't believe it- RING RING 

For gods sake who is it now? I look down to me phone to see the contact name of the boke. My face flushes and I panic a bit picking up immediately. "Well that was quick" I can almost feel the smirk  in his voice. "S-shut up." I blurt out. "Why did you call?" I ask


(AHHHH THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!! I'm so sorry for not posting any chapters! The next one will be so much longer!!!! Stay safe!)

-Time For A Change- Hinata x OikawaWhere stories live. Discover now