8.2 Arendelle

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I followed her through the colorful streets of Arendelle as people were turning surprised looks on us, or rather on Elsa, to which she was quickly answering by giving small smiles and waves or just by saying hello. And we finally reached the main gates of the castle, that were opened to let people enter in the courtyard. She stopped there, not letting my hand go before giving me a warm smile.

"Ready ?"

We crossed the castle courtyard and opened the great door, letting us get in a large hall leading to an elegant staircase. I looked up in amazement. The wooden ceiling was almost as high as the trees of the forest, the red walls were decorated with long green and purple banners featuring a golden crocus, the same as the one I saw on the arendellian guards the day we met in the forest. That was probably Arendelle's official emblem.

"Anna doesn't seem to know that we arrived", Elsa statted pensively before beckoning me to follow her, "I'll show you the dressing room so you can change"

She guided me through the long corridors of Arendelle's castle to finally open a door and gently pull me inside. I scanned the room and could not help sighing in admiration again. There were like a ton of boxes of all sizes leaning on shelves or other storage spaces on my left, as on my right was a large mirror even bigger than me and a smaller desk on which a jewelry box and small candles were placed. I glimpsed at Elsa's amused face in the reflection of the mirror.

"You can change here while I'm looking for Anna", she suggested, showing me a beautiful wood screen with arendellian crocus pattern painted on it, "If you need something you can look into those boxes, we have plenty of accessories".

And on those words, she closed the door behind her as I stayed motionless for some seconds. I slowly walked towards the high window of the room, giving a large view on the castle's courtyard, but also on the mountains surrounding the city. From this high point, it was almost as if I was in a tree, observing people walking in the courtyard or talking to each other, but without being viewed, just looking at the scene from the outside.

I could not help letting a small smile appear on my lips. It was funny how everything and everyone seem so small from here. Taking a step back from everyday's life was kind of what I loved about climbing on high branches, letting the routine down to the ground. And the troubles too.

I finally turned around to walk to the other side of the wooden screen to change. Then I put my bag on the armchair near me and stepped backwards to the mirror to take off my dress. I lingered over the bandage on my abdomen, unfolding it to look at the wound. The marks of the wolf's claws would probably be carved on my skin for some time, but it was healing slowly. I tied the bandage around my waist again, before stepping towards my bag to open it and unfold the dress Yelana gave me earlier. i quickly get dressed before turning to look at my reflection again.

The soft fabric was far lighter than the reindeer leather of my everyday dress. I realised how warm was the temperature in Arendelle as I took off my warm pants too. The half sleeves, the flaring knee-length skirt and the wide V-neck were much more revealing my tan skin than my usual dress, and I was not used to that sensation. I quickly tightened the belt decorated with leaves-pattern around my waist and finally took off my hat too.

I sighed as I saw my reflection, mechanically rubbing my thumb on the uncovered pendant of the necklace I was wearing around my neck. The dress was perfectly fitted , but the wind on our way to the city had somehow completely messed my hair up. I untied my braid and ran my fingers through my shock of hair to try to style it a little more. Glancing over the mirror to look at my reflection one last time, I was about to gather it to tie it again when I heard a hesitant knock.

"May I enter?"

I turned to the door of the small room in the direction of Elsa's voice behind it.

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