Chapter 1: The Last Day

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I woke up in the middle of the night, suddenly flooded with a flash of anxiety, and wondered-

Was it just a dream?

I immediately leapt out of my bed, ran to my study table and switched on the bright lights- which I regretted instantly, believe me. As I gained my eyesight back, I looked all around my room but I couldn't find the damn letter. I was hyperventilating when I finally saw it, fallen in one corner of my room. I immediately picked up the envelope and removed the letter, where I read:

"Congratulations! You've earned a scholarship at East America's finest- Rosewood high!"

I have never been more relieved in my life.

I turned the lights off when my mom entered saying, "What happened honey? Is something wrong?"

That's when I answered-"No... actually everything is fantastic." I chuckled.

She smiled while walking back to her room, and I went back to sleep.

"JaDeEE,WHERE ARE YOU" I woke up with a start, and immediately recognised that voice, I replied-"I'm upstairs in my room Alisa, you know where people sleep." I rolled my eyes.

"Today is officially your last day at St Petersburg Jade, you need to wake up!" she said in that calm voice of hers.

I looked at the time.

"Jesus Christ it's 6 in the morning Alisa! School starts at 8." She saw that I was clearly very annoyed, she knew that I am certainly NOT a morning person.

"Who even let you in?" I asked.

"Your mom, she was just leaving for work when she let me in."

My mom.
She is the most hardworking person I know. Even after my dad died, she put on a brave face and started working and earning money. She's been through some rough patches, but has always been there by my side whenever I needed her. She deserves the world.

I was still zoned out when Alisa shook me like a maniac.

I went for a shower, got dressed, and talked to Alisa for a while and we eventually headed to school.

I never really liked studying at St Petersburg, it wasn't really a......... hmm how to put this. It wasn't really a place where you could fulfill yourself with a proper education. The students were least interested in studying, they basically threw paper aeroplanes here and there in class like a bunch of 5 year old's, and don't even get me started on how badly the teachers taught.

The only sane person I met there was Alisa, and well Axel.

Axel is one of my other best friends, and well, my ex.
Lets not get into details.....yet.

He has pitch black hair, He's only a few inches taller than me, and has rare black eyes.We kind of drifted a bit after the breakup, but he's still my best friend, believe it or not.

School was normal, though I had to submit 3 assignments today which was really hectic. My last class was English, which was the only class I was gonna miss.

The bell rang and I walked home with Axel and Alisa.

We called for pizza since it was the weekend when Axel told me he wanted to talk to me.

I grabbed a slice while walking with him to my room.

He began, in a serious voice-"Jade I'm gonna miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too Axel." I told him, suddenly getting worried.

"But you don't understand. I don't want-"

He was cut off when my mom entered saying that it was late and I should sleep.

"Talk later?" I asked. He nodded and left with Alisa.

I was scrolling randomly through my phone when I finally decided to set it down. As I laid in bed, I looked up at the ceiling, and noticed that the paint had a few cracks in them.

"Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect. Margaret Mitchell was damn right here." I thought, and then finally let my eyes rest. I mumbled the words "two days"

And fell into deep sleep.

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