Skystrike Academy

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Growing up on Alderaan had it's benefits. It was a beautiful and peaceful world, despite the conflict in every other corner of the galaxy. But a peaceful life was not for you. As soon as you were old enough to join the empire, you did. You felt a calling to action, which meant staying on Alderaan had never been an option, though your parents tried.

Only now, after so many years of learning from and serving the "Glorious Galactic Empire", you understood why your parents told you to stay. Your parents were clearly anti-empire, but they covered it up well for beimg so much in the public eye. The Empire told everyone that they were in control. But honestly, they weren't. Not anymore at least. There were more defectors now, than ever before. Which meant more Rebels and more attacks.

Part of you longed to return home and hug your parents again. They had been so good to you. They let you "follow your dreams", though they did not agree. They only ever wanted the best for you and it broke your heart to know how ignorant you had been. Though you hurt your parents more than you ever hurt yourself. Maybe it was pride that stopped you from returning home. But you told yourself that your calling had been to action, only at the time, you didn't understand that a call to action wasn't the same as a call to the empire. You had been right, from a certain point of view. But now, you knew it was time to leave the empire and join the rebellion. You had to fight for those who couldn't.


"Y/n!" A voice whispered. Harshly. You grabbed the thin, scratchy pillow and made an effort to dramatically cover your face with it. But your bunkmate, Zyna, paid no attention. Or maybe she chose to ignore it. It was supposed to be your first day at Skystrike Academy, and you had to be there by 0600, no exceptions. You also knew it was still far too early, but removed the pillow and peered up at her regardless. You were surprised to see that she had partially climbed onto your bunk in order to speak to you without waking the other cadets. "Rise and shine you womp rat! We've got some strategizing to do!"

"Now? It's so early." You whispered with pure annoyance in your voice. You hit your face with your pillow before sitting up and silently cursing at the fact you had to be awake at this kriffing hour.

You looked to the side slightly, finding the girl whose credentials wouldn't work, sitting up in her bunk, looking amused. You had talked to her some the night before and she had seemed friendly enough, but she didn't really talk much about her past. But to be fair, neither did you. The only thing you knew about her was that her name was Ria Talla. Maybe? You had a knack for reading people. She hadn't done anything to make you not believe her, but somehow you just knew she was lying.

Thankfully, Zyna had taken control of the conversation last night. She had a surprising amount of enthusiasm and communication skills for being an Imperial. The Empire tends to wear you down in order to bend you to their will. You saw how corrupt The Empire is, but there was not much to do about it other than hope The Rebellion got Wedge's message. Ria Talla climbed on your bunk next to Zyna, shaking you from your thoughts. You looked around at the other bunks, and everyone still appeared to be asleep.

"Why don't we move down to your bunk, Zyna, our efforts to be quiet won't amount to much if this whole bunk comes crashing down."

The three of you climbed down carefully and sat on Zyna's bunk. You sat in silence, making sure none of the other cadets woke up from your little maneuver. Part of your conversation the previous night had been planning for this meeting. There had been a great deal of anti-imperial comments made and it was clear that Zyna and Ria Talla had no trust in the Empire.

You stared expectantly at Zyna, but when she said nothing you glanced at Ria Talla. She had short, dark brown hair that fell to one side. It was cut so that it would not be longer than her ears, while the bottom was shaven. It was an interesting fashion choice, it was different. You liked it. You looked back at Zyna, expecting her to start talking, but instead, Ria Talla's voice began softly whispering. "My real name is Sabine Wren. I was sent in to get the defectors out. I know you both do not trust The Empire. Are there others?"

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