Random Writing 4

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I stand still, feeling the breeze of the battle field rush across my face and pull my hair with it.
“So you are still daring to challenge me?” Darick stares at me and scoffs. “Pathetic”
I stare at him. Has he not seen what he is causing? Can he not realize there is still time to stop?
“I have not come to fight you, I have come to say it’s still not too late to stop”
Darick looks at me and raises an eyebrow. “Oh you didn’t come to fight? Then why did you come with half your army? Why did your troops fight mine? Tell me why?”
I realize what he is trying to do… just like last time… 
“That’s what I’m trying to say-” He cuts me off “Tell me, if you came to talk, then why are you wearing your armor and holding your sword?”
He then fakes a sudden realization. “Oh wait! Is it because of last time? Bah! Of course it is, you don’t want what happened last time to happen here, don’t you?”
My mind quickly figures out he is planning on doing the same thing as before. “I’m not one to dwell on the past, more to learn from it and use that knowledge to figure out what to do in the future”
He chuckles. “Ah wise as ever, you probably thought of the many ways this could go, like if I lose or you lose, you were always the planning and smart type but... “
He unsheathed his sword. “This will have to end one way to another”
I ready myself to make sure he doesn’t surprise me a second time. “It could end another way! There is still time to stop!”
He gives a slight smile. “There is nothing else to do, you fall today”
With sudden speed he charges me and swings.
I raise my sword to try and block and feel the swords clash together and hear the metal clang together.
I push him back to try and get some room but he kicks me right in the chest making me stumble back.
“This is sad! Well you were never great at fighting” He laughs then gets back in his stance.
While I was trying to decide to stay defensive or attack back he swung at me which made me raise my sword to block it out of instinct.
But the sword never came, instead I’m struck with a vicious left hook from him followed by a strike from the pommel of his sword.
I awkwardly stumble back and try to regain back my footing when two of my soldiers rush up to assist me.
He blocks their first strike then cuts the arm off one of them and then slices the throat of the other one.
I steady myself and decide to fight back.
I do a rapid combination of light strikes and follow up with a strong strike which gets us in a sword lock.
I barely manage to get off a few words. “It doesn’t have to be this way! There is still time to-”
He cuts me off after he knees me in the stomach and throws me to the ground.

“You don’t get it do you? There is no other outcome! Stop telling yourself lies and give up!”
As I get up I feel a gnawing pain in my stomach.
The realization sets in after I see what has just occurred.
The blade of my sword has gone through my abdomen and is protruding out the other side.
I stare in astonishment as he pulls it out and watches me fall to my knees.
He smiles and throws my sword into the earth and walks away.
As I’m on my knees I realize there is still time to finish this.
Slowly raising myself up I slowly pick up my sword.
Managing a slow shuffle I make my way to Darick.
He notices me but too late.
Using most of my remaining strength I drive my sword through his chest.
While he falls back, I fall to my knees.
He manages a small chuckle. “Well… this certainly isn’t how I expected this to go… but hey you’ve won!” He laughs slightly “Well, you’ve won at at cost”
Knowing this is certainly my last few moments alive, I play along and respond. “This certainly is like a double edged sword, Cuts both ways.”
He lets out a small nod of agreement. “You always knew how to use your words and say them”
After a pained grunt he continues “Well my time is fast approaching so good on you, See you in Hell, my dear Brother Edward"
After one long painful sigh, I see him close his eyes and slowly stop breathing.
I look out into the sunset and smile knowing I have completed what I have sought out to do, I may have done it in a way I wished to avoid but I had to do what had to be done and I can make peace with that.
After slowly closing my eyes, I let myself fall to the ground.

The End

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