His Heart for Your Head - Dreamnoblade

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There he is again.

Prince Techno is sitting at his beside window as usual. Watching the merchant and soldiers walk below him in the market. However, he is waiting for a certain someone.

It all started a year ago when Techno was reading a book as he sat on his windowsill. He suddenly felt a pair of eyes on him before turning to look out the window. There below him stood a man who was staring right back at him. He had blond hair and was taller than most the other merchants. He wore green, a color that signifies him as a low class commoner. Techno believed the man was just in awe from seeing the Prince, and he would never see his face again. However, the next day while reading, the boy was back. Then the next and from then on everyday the boy would stand in the middle of the market staring up at Techno.

Techno soon notices the small details, at least what he could see from up in the tower. He was able to decipher that the boy's eyes are a bright green and he noticed that his body is slim but at the same time very strong. Sometimes the boy brings food or items. He's even seen the boys eat golden apples which surprised the Prince. No low class should have enough money to buy golden apples. Especially not if he just eats them so commonly and out of danger. He's seen the boy bring diamond swords and axes at his hilt.

Some of the most surprising experiences are when the boy tries to communicate with him. Sending hand gestures and using items to show what he's saying. Techno knows sign language so he would sign back to the boy before having to use items and gestures because the boy never understood. Until one day, the boy finally used a small amount of sign language. Techno will never forget what he first said to him.

' You are very beautiful,' He signed. Techno felt his heart stop in that moment as he signed back a small thank you. After that the boy began learning more and more sign language before they would have full conversations. Many people would look at the boy before turning to look at Techno. They would either have a look of fear or interest before leaving them alone. The second conversation Techno remembers almost as if it just happened.

' Do you like being a prince,' The boy asked. Techno had to sit and think for a moment. He never thought about it before. He loves his family and of course he gains riches and fame, but sometimes it feels lonely. Roaming the hallways for hours, the only interaction being between his family and snobby rich folk. He also rarely had any freedom to leave the castle.

" You are worth so much out there Techno. If you leave this castle and get kidnapped I don't know what I'd do."

He remembers what Phil told him all those years ago and even now, even though he is the strongest warrior in the kingdom, the same rules apply. So he looks down to the man and shakes his head. The boy frowns.

' Why not?'

' Freedom,' is all that he signs back.

' Run away with me.'

Techno thought about it. Every day and night after he thought about it. It became a waking dream as he began to fall more in love with this unknown man. But here he is, once again sat at his windowsill. They have a normal conversation. The boy asks him about how his day has gone and Techno asks the same back. The boy starts to sign something before his eyes widen and he points at Techno. Techno gives him a confused glance before two hands grasp at his shoulders. He jumps in his spot before turning to see his older brother, Wilbur.

" I see someone's been busy," Wilbur says, head tilting towards the boy. Techno's face flushes a light red before turning away from him and huffing out a grunt.

" I don't know what you're talking about," Techno defends. Wilbur looks down to the boy on the ground once again before waving at him.

" Stop," Techno yells, embarrassed of his brother's vibrant personality. Wilbur only chuckles before leaning back and sitting on Techno's bed.

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