04. The Questions

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*trigger warning of graphic violence later in the chapter*

It is weird when I don't need to sneak out of the compound anymore. Eric and I walk through the streets of Chicago. I would have wanted to leave to confront the Factionless leader on the very next day but we had had work to do and it took the whole week before we managed to get a morning off at the same time. I have so many questions in my head that it feels like I am bursting out of my body. All of them merging in my head to one, big, screaming lump.

I'm not sure where to head, but Eric seems to know the way. Probably he has to know how to contact the Factionless leader. We head to the ruined section of Chicago and Eric leads us to the Factionless' "front yard'' as it seems. "What does two Dauntless do in our lands?" One of their, I guess a guard is a right word to use, asks. "And look it is yet another of the ruthless leaders." I see Eric's jaw set but he keeps calm and says: "We want to talk with your leader." "Oh so we need to do as told because you 'want', is that it?" "Riley! Let them pass." The voice comes from the shadow of the tall building.

"Hello, I am Evelyn. How may I assist you?" Brown haired, small woman, with a sharp nose and cunning eyes asks us. "I am looking for information about my parents Arnold and Catarina Masen, or her mother: Amelia Wells. Can you help us?" Her facial expression changes quickly and she becomes very reserved when answering: "You are Alicia, aren't you? You are not supposed to be here. How did you find out?" "How did I find out what? I don't know anything, that's why I am here. Looking for answers." I say to her. She seems to loosen up a bit and asks: "What do you want to know about them?" "Everything you can tell me. I want to know everything." I let out. This might be the moment when I get to know who my parents were. "Well it might take a while, come, I will lead you to a comfier place."

"Your mothers mother was Dauntless who got too old and had to die or come here. She chose to come here and her daughter, your mother, came with her, abandoning her faction all together." "So Amelia is dead?" I ponder. "Yes, died of old age some years back." I sigh, I had hoped that I could ask her about my parents in person.

"Your father was an Erudite. He met your mother by accident and fell for her straight away. He kept seeing her in secret. You need to know that he already had a wife on Erudite. It was arranged marriage and they did not even love each other.

This woman also was in love with someone else, your uncle, you see, but she was bitter when she found out about your father's affair. She told everything to your uncle and because "Faction before blood", your father was casted here. It didn't take long until this woman married your uncle." I gasp air with a shock. My father was married to Annica? "But that is not the whole story ain't it?" I urge her to continue.

"Your mother got pregnant with you and almost the same time your uncle and aunt got a child themselves but your parent's did not know that until the child was four years old." "That is when they disappeared", I can't keep my mouth shut. "They did not just disappear Alicia", Evelyn reveals and quickly continues: "So they found out about your cousin and what your uncle and aunt had done to her: used in all kinds of experiments and tests, poor child. They made a plan to save her but it failed miserably." "Because you told her uncle about it, didn't you?" Eric steps in. "You needed the serums or something and traded them for it." Evelyn is surprised at the change of events and a fear flashes in her eyes.

Eric had seen something in the picture that I hadn't. I had been too intrigued about the caption. "So is it true?" I ask. "Well, yes. I traded them and you for a serum that they had been experimenting." I am boiling with anger but I need to hear the rest of the story. What happened to my parents? Evelyn continues when she sees that we are no danger to her, not yet at least: "Well I am sorry to tell you but your parents have been executed because of the kidnapping attempt. Well they couldn't stay here", she adds and laughs cheerfully. "Thank you Evelyn. Of your vivid story. I think it is our que to go." I mutter and make my leave, Eric follows me, tho I see on his composure that he would like to do much more than that. "Ta ta", she calls out after us.

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