Night moves

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“I’m going out with Sage and some other guys. You are welcome to come with us if you like”, I answer to Eric who wants to know what my plans for the evening is. He is on the couch sipping liquor. “I don’t really like that grass haired hippie”, he complains. “Don’t call her that. Didn’t Erudite teach you to not to judge a book by it’s cover?” I know very well that he doesn’t like to be reminded of his previous faction and as expected he gives me a venomous look but doesn’t say anything. “Look, I barely see my friends because I am hanging basically all my free time with you. So you are either going to suck it up and come with me or go find your own friends to be with”, I put my foot down. “Fine, where are you going then?” he sighs and I announce: “Ziplining.”

When we arrive to The Pit, everyone is already waiting. Judging by their faces, they were surprised that Eric really came. “Good you are here”, one of the older Dauntless’ says and gives a quick glance at Eric’s direction, probably because he has moved his hands protectively on my shoulders. “Okay, let’s get going. I would hate if that goddamned rain starts again and ruins our plans.” Hal curses and we start to move towards to one of the exits.

“You had sex with him, didn’t you? That’s why it took so long you two to come”, Sage whispers to me while we are walking. “Oh, that didn’t take long but try to get these clothes back on in a rush, on a corner where anyone can walk on you at any moment. That’s the challenge. And I swear my shirt was possessed, it took me three tries to get my head out of the right hole and even then it was inside out”, I start to giggle and Sage unites to it.


“Could you even try and act like  you are having a good time?” I hiss at Eric who looks like he had sunk his teeth into something sour. Well it is his resting face so I have no idea what he really thinks. “I am actually”, he says after a while. I roll my eyes at him and cheer when next person comes down to the zipline. Sage hasn’t come down yet but I bet she is going to love it. I did when it was my turn. I am not surprised that Eric didn’t want to participate. “Oh, now I get it. You are waiting that someone forgets to pull the break and smash themselves into that wall with blood splattering all over the place.” He chuckles a bit. What a psycho. After four other Dauntless, Sage comes down with mixture of giggles and screams. Judging by Eric’s face, he really wishes some gore action tonight.

When everybody has come down to the other building, the group splits up and we three connect with the smaller group that is going to continue the night in another rooftop. While we are heading there we start to play this game where we sneak behind some factionless and watch who can get closest to them in the shadows without getting noticed. It is surprisingly fun and I know that Eric would be excellent at it, or at least he would scare the shit out of them by standing very quietly next to them, but he just mutters something about child’s play and stays on the background while everyone else is having fun.

The rooftop we end up is not far away from where the zipline start and it is couple levels down. There is burning metal barrels here and there and they give this cool, haunting mood. I love it. While I admire the scene, a handful of Dauntless’ gather around one of the barrels and tune up a little band using some buckets and sticks to their instruments. They gathered them from the ground level before we started to climb up the stairs. One of the guys makes a beat using his mouth and hands and a tall, dark haired girl with shaved side starts to sing in a low, mesmerizing tune. I head up to see closer, forgetting Eric and Sage altogether.

I spend there almost all night. Eric listens every once in a while with me but most of the time he’s either in the shadows or mingling with people like I had asked him to do for a change of our steamy session earlier. I watch him intensely every time he gets close with one of my friends but everything seems to go smoothly and I even see him laughing for something Hal says. At some point he disappears somewhere but I am having too much fun with the musical group that I don’t bother to go look for him. He could be taking a piss somewhere for all I know.

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