The Cherry House Part 13

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Y/n POV:

His body stood a few feet in front of me, still as a statue of stone, his eyes wide and lost as he navigated his way into mine so effortlessly. My barriers have never been strong enough to maintain the weight of his gaze. But even though I see him, clear as day only seconds away from my touch, it was as if his soul was elsewhere. Wondering about in a foreign place whilst he stood confused and vulnerable with me in the middle of this park. 

My instinct was to run to him. Be engulfed in the blanket of safety within his arms, to smell the sweet cologne off of his clothes, to feel his hands interlace with mine, its rightful home. But I restricted my temptations, holding myself back as he drank up my sudden presence. The moon plastered itself prominently on the velvety black sky, the smoothness of the canvas holding onto the stars so delicately and placing each individual one on its own stage. The reflection of its light shined against the glistening whites of his eyes, the memories of being so close to see behind them crawling back into my mind until I shake them away, not letting those painful times of longing to see them again weaken me.

Tom: Y/n?

You never truly realise how much you need something until it's taken away. And you never realise how much you truly miss someone until you get to see them again after months and months. I had to learn both fundamental rules at the same time. I knew he wasn't prepared for this conversation, so I take the first step forward, the earth seeming like it was vibrating beneath my feet as each step I took nearer to him felt as if I was losing balance.

Y/n: I'm sorry I...I didn't know if you would come if I asked.

I could feel the desperation in his eyes as he attempted again and again to pry his away from my own, but found that they were buried deep, stowed away for my orders to follow. His eyebrows raised innocently, I've never wanted to hold anyone this badly.

Tom: I don't-I don't understand. What-was this all you?

I nod cautiously, wary of his reaction to this. I didn't want him to feel trapped. But he stayed, I'm not sure if that's because he wanted to or if he couldn't physically move his feet. I near closer.

Y/n: Okay. So, I'm not really good at stuff like this. I'm not entirely sure how they go. Big romantic gestures have never really been my thing, well actually, I've never done anything like this-

Tom: Y/n?

Y/n: Right. Umm. I know it's been six months, and I know that you have every right to hate me I just...I'm sorry. For everything. I was a coward Tom, I was scared of how much I liked you, I was scared that if you got to know me, the real shitty parts of me, you'd leave. I don't think...I don't think I would be able to handle it if you did that, I mean I'm used to people leaving but if you told me you couldn't...

I tried, believe me. I tried to appear strong, and capable. But these words knife me, I couldn't handle the pressure searing in my head as these thoughts washed up to surface again. I let the first drop fall almost unseen down my cheek, a trail of its residue falling closely behind. I knew there wasn't long until the downpour. I look up to him again, searching for eyes of fury as he listened to what I believed would be the last he would ever hear of me. Yet when I meet his gaze, his expression turns soft. His shoulders relaxed from the pent up tension multiplying inside of them, his jaw unclenched from the nervousness of this unforeseen conversation. He delicately made his way over to me, as if the ground below us was replaced with glass. The tenderness of his touch on my skin was like that of no other. He was gentle and careful as he brushed the stray tear perched on my cheek, I drank up the smoothness of his voice as he whispered now standing so close to me, afraid if he spoke too loud I'd be knocked down like a house of cards.

Tom: It's okay.

Y/n: No it's not. I thought I was doing the right thing by keeping you out. I thought that was what would be best.

Tom: But I wanted you to let me in. More than anything. I wanted you to trust me to share all of you with me.

Y/n: I know that now. I know that's what I should have done...Things are much better now than before. My life doesn't seem like that much of a mess at the moment.

I chuckle and he does the same, his hands nestled in the back pockets of his jeans, he took a step closer to me. I did the same.

Tom: That's good Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah. And maybe, if you want, I can tell you all about it?

Tom: Everything?

He asked childishly, wriggling his eyebrows.

Y/n: Anything you want to know.

I take that little glint in the deepest part of the browns of his eyes reigniting as a cue to rush into his arms. They held me protectively, cocooning me in his warmth and security, I never wanted to leave. I missed this, this feeling of needing to be with him. I breathe easily against his chest, his slight inhales and exhales bringing me up and down with the rhythm of his heartbeat.

Y/n: I'm sorry for being a coward.

He shakes his head and pulls away from me, his hands still secured on my back as I locked mine behind his neck.

Tom: You are literally the bravest person I have ever met. I mean, you were about to pick a fight with about a dozen guys the day I met you, and you didn't even seem scared. Not one bit.

Y/n: Guess you're not the only actor.

I tease as he brings his honey sweet lips onto mine. And again. And again. I smile in between, our bodies making up for lost time as we continued our longing desires in the middle of the park like two careless teenagers. I pull away swiftly, the coldness already attacking my bare lips as I stayed staring at him for a few moments, his curious eyes wondering around my face for an answer.

Y/n: I'm in love with you Tom. I didn't realise before but, I love you.

My heart rate quickened and I awaited for his response with the hands of my anxiety wrapped suffocatingly around my neck.

Tom: I'm in love with you too Y/n.

He says confidently, like he has never been more sure of anything else in his life. I bite my lip as he takes my hand and begins to walk us back to his car.

Y/n: So this means you forgive me right?

Tom: Obviously. But you promise you won't run away this time?

Y/n: I promise Spider-man. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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