5- nobody

15 1 0

Happy new year everyone! i still cant wrap my mind around the fact that it's 2021 jesus christ lmaoo

No tw for this chapter :]

George spent the next week with Jake, enjoying every little moment with him until he inevitably had to leave again. He had slowly started working with Dream, coding small projects that George couldn't finish, just to test his skill. Jake didn't like the thought of his boyfriend working with some other guy. He didn't like to let jealousy get the best of him but it was bound to happen.

"Hey baby?" Jake asked sweetly.

"Yes hun?" George asked in response.

"What does this Dream character look like?"

"I don't know he doesn't have any pictures up. Why?"

"Just wondering. You two are gonna be spending a lot of time together I wouldn't want him to be hotter than me." Jake chuckled uncomfortably. 

Jake was average at best. George could definitely do better, but to him, personality made a person. Jake had a fantastic personality when they first met, but over the past few months, he slowly started to change. They got into fights more often than normal and barely talked besides texting. George just thought Jake was busy at his job. He lived in America so their schedules didn't line up the best, but Dream lived in America too and always seemed to have time for George. The story stopped lining up. Jake was jealous and George was confused.

"Why don't you have time for me anymore?" George asked calmly.

"What do you mean my love? I always have time for you. I'm here right now aren't I?"

"Yea but that's the thing. When you're in America, we barely talk. Am I missing something?"

Jake sighed. He couldn't bring himself to answer George.

"Jake?" George questioned

"I have something to tell you." Jake said softly. Barely audible. 

"You can tell me anything my love."

Jake cringed at the pet name. George noticed. Jake never did that.

"George I really don't want you to hate me after I say this."

George? What happened to "baby"?

"Jake whats wrong?"

"George... I- cheated on you..." He whispered. Words spoke with no trace of regret.

"get out."


Clay felt nothing but joy for the entire week. He had the time of his life talking with George almost everyday. He genuinely could not be happier. Today was exciting because he got to speak to George once again. No matter how many times they talked, each time was more exciting than the last. Clay could feel himself getting deeper, more genuine feelings for George the more he got to know him. This was fantastic.

The discord ringtone came through Clays computer and his phone, his phone delayed by a second so it created a very terrible noise the longer it went on. Clay answered once he realized it was George.

"Hello George!" His smile was audible.

"Hey Dream." George said flatly. Clay could tell something was wrong just from his tone.

"What's wrong? You sound sad." Now his frown was audible.

"Oh nothing don't worry about it Dream."

"Ok well just know that if you ever need to talk I'm right here."

"Really? You'd actually listen?"

"Of course George! I'm not an asshole ya know?"

"Well in that case could I talk to you about it? I think I really need someone right now."

"Go ahead Georgie." Clay said sweetly.

The tone in Clay's voice gave George... butterflies?

George spent the next 30 minutes explaining everything that happened while Clay sat quietly and listened. Clay couldn't help but smile. George and Jake broke up. Clay actually had a chance now!

"I just.. I feel like I knew. He stopped giving me the time of day when he was in America. I was constantly wondering what could occupy him so much that he couldn't even call me anymore ya know? Like...you give me the time of day. No matter what, you're always available. That's something Jake stopped doing for me a while back. I just didn't want it to be true. And now he's... gone." George's voice broke and Clay just wanted to hold him. Clay wanted to hold him and not let go. He wanted to tell George how much he was appreciated and loved, but he couldn't. To George, Clay was just "Dream". Just some nobody. 


(word count:710)

i'm gonna try a lot harder to make these chapters longer  so they're more entertaining. This one is longer than all of my others so i hope you enjoyed!

see you all next chapter :]

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