12: Tangled In Chords

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A/N: Henlo y'all. Tis cupcake with ur long awaited chapter. I didn't proof read it even tho it's like super short but whateverrrrr

Enjoy 😊 💙

Or don't idk I can't control that



After the fiasco with the police, the miserable (*wink* rich *wink*) kids refused to dine with their idiot parents (who didn't care enough to invite them to the dinner table anyway) and good-for-nothing "family friend" (*eye roll and gag*), and stomped up the stairs into their vacation home bedroom without another word until they could slam the door shut.

"Well, this is fucking bullshit." Zaylee muttered, grabbing a metal baseball bat from underneath her bed.

"Where are you going?" Luna asked, not glancing up from the eraser she was stabbing.

"Hmm..I don't know...probably gonna go on a walk through the woods...and disturb the peace of nature by beating up trees." she deadpanned, already out the door again.

"Ooh! Count me in," Alexis exclaimed, grabbing a bat herself and followed her sister out, fists clenched and face red. The rest of them listened as her voice traveled further down the stairs. "Why didn't you invite me in the first place though, the fuck?!"

"And where are you going?" Luna asked again, still stabbing an eraser as Nova jumped off of her spot on the edge of her bed.

"Hmm...I don't know..." Nova mimicked, grabbing a first aid kid from one of the drawers before leaving the room too. "Probably gonna go on a walk through the woods...and replenish the peace of nature by saving some trees. Wanna come with?"

"Sure, got nothing better to do." Luna shrugged, hopping across the floor as she tied her shoelaces and bounded down her sister's trail. Aralyn waited for her to leave before shutting the door and took a seat next to Gianna.

"Whatcha thinking?" she asked gently, her face still flushed with anger as half-moons were indented into the palm of her hand, but she knew better than to break into an outburst in front of her younger sister who seemed more frightened than mad at the moment.

"Plenty of things," Gianna laughed dryly. She let out a soft sigh and bit her bottom lip. "You want the hard truth or an easy lie?"

"Who do you think I am, Pickle?" Aralyn smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Tell me what you want to tell me but make sure it's the truth. No more lies, okay?"

"That's the thing though," Gianna said after a few minutes, looking down at her fumbling hands. "I'm not entirely sure what's true anymore, you know? Everything has been so twisted lately and I always seem to find myself tangled in chords."

"Yeah, I-I get that. I mean, the tangled part and all. It's getting harder and harder to find the rainbow after the storm—And don't judge me on that, Lexi's been showering me with more sap than I already have! I'm like a bloody maple tree!" She joked, as Gianna chuckled beside her. "But I mean it though, Mom and Dad are assholes and Lillian is annoying as hell, those are truths. See how easy they were to find? Now, us being guilty? That's a fucking lie and everyone knows it. But we'll figure this out together, we all will, I promise. Now that's the truth."


"I can't believe you actually destroyed a beaver dam." Alexis stated, half laughing, half serious as she wrapped Zaylee's bruised/bloodied hands.

"Yeah, good thing it was empty..." Luna muttered, playing with a stick on the ground. "You could've hurt the beavers....and they probably would've hurt you too."

"Eh, I could take 'em." Zaylee shrugged. "Besides, the river is dry because of this fucking drout anyway."

"Imma slap you, Coon." Alexis chuckled, wrapping her own hands and took a swig of water.

"What did I do this time?!" Zaylee exclaimed, throwing a handful of grass at her. "It was just a beaver...damn."

"That," Alexis stared her down. "Was not funny."

"Then why are you laughing?" Zaylee smirked.

"You know wh-" Alexis began just as a ringtone broke her thoughts. She looked over to her youngest sister who was jumping up and down a tree stump, trying to find a signal. "Who's callin', Cuppy?"

"It's Gia," Nova said, putting the phone to her ear. "Yes?"

"You guys need to come back right now, I mean RIGHT now. This is urgent. Code red I tell ya, code fookin' red!"

"Okay, slow down." Nova said calmly, putting the phone on speaker. "What happened? Are you guys okay?"

"Define 'okay'. Look, don't freak out...yet. Okay so, there's nothing SUPER wrong...well actually, there is. But like not 'AHHH CALL 911 RIGHT NOW' kind of wrong but more like 'GET OVER HERE WE NEED TO SHOW YOU SOMETHING AND YOU CAN PANIC LATER' kind of wrong, you know? 'Cause I don't. Well..I do know but like...yeah I;m just rambling now aren't I? Whatever, just come qu-"

"Aisshhh signal!" Luna groaned as the phone call cut short.

"It's fine." Alexis sighed. "Just grab your things, we need to go."


"Come, come!" Aralyn said urgently, pulling them all back inside the bedroom before they could adjust and assess the situation. She gestured over to the desk in the corner where Gianna sat, angry and stressed. "Show 'em, G."

"Well, you're not gonna like this." Gianna sighed, scrolling through her laptop and faced the screen towards them. A YouTube video entitled 'PSYCHO PORTER SISTERS BRUTALLY ATTACK JANSENTECH'S BELOVED JASPER AND KELLY JANSEN' blared right at their angry eyes. The video was published just over an hour ago and had already reached over six million views. Who was it published by? The one and only Lillian (worse than Luthor *wink*) Brown.

"Oh you got to be fucking kidding me." Zaylee said through gritted teeth as she ran downstairs with her baseball bat again. "Time to go bust down a bitch-ass tree."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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