8: Hiking is bullcrap

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Hi yeah so this chapter probably sucks, so like yeah enjoy-


"It's only been 30 minutes and I am going to punch her" I grumbled to my sisters, as our parents and Lillian walked ahead of us, they laughed and seemed to be enjoying themselves as we followed behind angerly

"Yeah like that's not even their real daughter!" Lexi huffed her arms crossed, this whole trip was a disaster, I was ready to just go home

"Keep up girls!" Mom yells from far ahead, wow are they really leaving us back here? We exchanged looks and took off to catch up to them, I huffed as we caught up, running up hill is not a good idea

"I want to go home!" Alexis shouts our parents ignoring her outburst as they keep walking

"Its to hot" Aralyn groans I nod in agreement, I notice the redness slowly appearing on her face, her neck, shoulders and arms, I slow my pace and walk along side of her as we both basically accept our burning fate

"Ugh my legs hurt; I don't do this whole walking thing" Gianna groans

"Girls come on" Lillian shouts with a laugh I just huff angerly as Lexi crosses her arms

"I'm going to rearrange her damn face" Alexis growls I turn as Luna and Nova catch up

"You both good?" I asked they both nodded, there faces coated in sweat

"At this rate one of us is going to pass out of heat exhaustion" Nova says, she was gripping Luna's hand which shocked me to say the least, but I am way too hot to care... hell even tho I aint the best swimmer if I see any water I am fully yeeting myself into the water.

"I am going to need the biggest shower ever" Gianna huffs wiping sweat from her forehead

"Stop complaining you babies" Lillian says as she comes up to them

"What do you fuckin want" I asked her bitterly, she just rolls her eyes

"Your parents sent me back to check on you" she says shrugging before turning around

"Keep up would you, I hate to lose one of you" She does not waste any time speeding off which thank god for she was pissing me off I just follow my sisters as we slowly walking behind out parents, who where nearly out of site, at this point why did we even bother!


I was trailing behind my sisters, I honestly didn't mind the heat, but it was definitely getting to the twins and Gianna, they where always hating the heat while me, Luna and Alexis where more into heat... it was defiantly not a great concept

"I am going to pass out" Aralyn grumbled

"Why did we even have to come!! Do you see them? Nope they left us behind!" Alexis shouts picking up a rock and throwing deep into the woods

"Lets just go back" I speak up they stop and look at me before exchanging looks

"But wont mom and dad be pissed?" Luna questioned and I shrugged at this point I could careless on how they actually feel, they broke another promise no surprise really but, come on! We are your kids either care or just leave us alone

"And? We care why?" I counter back which catches them off guard slightly

"She's right, honestly let them yell... I am going to collapse" Aralyn agrees and Zay nods her head wiping sweat off her

"Yeah I agree" Gianna says, the girls look at Luna and Alexis

"Welp, lets head back then" Alexis tells them, Luna nods and the girls slowly turn to make there way back down the hill

"Girls!! Hurry up" there dad yells from somewhere further up the hill

"Nope" Zaylee huffs and I nod as we start making our way to the cabin, the walk was silent besides Alexis humming and the birds in the trees, it was peaceful despite the harsh sun and the roots and rocks. There was a slight buzz of the random insects, a gentle breeze that gave the girls some comfort in the scorching heat... somehow walking down felt longer then going up!

"Frick ow" I turn as Gianna lands on the ground and grabs her ankle I quickly make my way over

"How bad does it hurt?" I ask her and she bites her lip as Zaylee helps her up I watch as she puts slight pressure on it and lets out a small painful yelp

"Alright G come on" Zaylee huffs helping the girl on her back

"Is that smart? While walking down a mountain??" Aralyn questioned walking over helping to steady her twin

"Are you sure you're going to make it Zay? You and Aralyn are both redder than tomatoes ready to pass out, Alexis is cranky and I am still worried about mom and dad" Luna finally speaks I take notice of each of my sisters, Luna is obviously stressed and worried, Alexis is scowling at the rocks with her arms cross, sweat pouring down her face, Both Aralyn and Zaylee are beyond sun burned and look exhausted covered in sweat, Gianna is practically asleep on Zaylee's back with sweat soaking her grey shirt... and of course I am sweating and could go for a nap which is naturally Luna's thing

"Lets just get back to the dumb lake house already" Alexis huffs as the girls start walking again this was going to be a very long day.

Heyyo its KJ,I hoped you enjoyed and have a wonderful day and or night.

Sisters By Chance (A Salbizummus Tale by KJ and Cupcake)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon