3| Never Again In My Life

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"Wingardium Leviosa!"



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I stood there next to Hermione as we watched Harry down below getting his first quidditch lesson by dreamy Wood.

"Zabini? did you hear what I said?" she asked concerned.

"Oh sorry Granger I was focused on-" I stared off and she looked in my direction.

"Oliver Wood? You know he's a fifth year right?" she asked.

"Hey a girl can dream." I smiled brightly.

"Oh come on!" Hermione pulled my arm and we headed to Charms.

We sat next to each other and listened as Professor Flitwick gave us instructions on what we'd be doing today.

"Do you all have your feathers?" he asked and we picked up the feathers in front of us. "Now, don't forget nice wrists movements. Now swish and flick" he demonstrated his wrists movement to which we all copied. "Now, enunciate, Wingardium Leviosa. off you go, then."

We all began practicing but it seemed that nobody could do it. I leaned over to see if Hermione had done but it was hard to tell seeing as though Ronald sat in between us. I quietly practiced on my own but Ronald waving his wand distracted me.

"Weasley, what the bloody hell are you doing?" I asked confused.

" Doing the spell of course."

"No, what your doing is figuring out a way to take someones eye out." I responded.

Hermione saw and joined me.

"Besides youre saying it wrong. It's 'Leviosa' not 'Leviosar'." she mocked.

Ronald rolled his eyes " Alright, you do it then, youre so clever. Go on, go on. " he pushed Hermione to do the spell.

"Wingardium Leviosa" she said loudly and her feather flew.

She moved it around in the air and it caught all of the students attention. Ronald looked annoyed and put his head on the table.

"It's ok Ronny Pooh you'll get it eventually." I said holding in a laugh.

"Well done! see here, everyone, Miss Granger has done it!" said Professor Flitwick. "Splendid."

"Wingard Leviosa" I heard Semus say.

And instead of his feather floating it exploded.

"I think we're going to need another feather over here." said Harry coughing from the smoke.


As we were leaving Charms I stayed back and waited for Hermione. We walked behind the boys and she started a small conversation. She had big smile on her face, but that smile was soon replaced with a frown when we heard what Ronald was saying about her to the other guys.

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