Part 1.

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"A new member? what do they look like? are they a girl? or a boy? are they cute?? Come on Mr. joestar I need answers!"

Polnareff wined, he never stopped since they all met, when they were getting ever so close to Dio, they kept getting attacked by stand user, Joeseph joestar decided that having an extra pair of trustworthy hands is what the crusaders needed.

A heavy sigh left the month of Egyptian man,
Muhammad Avdol. As much as Avdol hated Polnareff's whining, he didn't know who the secret stand user was, it surprised him a bit, not too much.

"Mr. Joestar, if I may ask, who is this stand user, I hate polnareff constant wine but I cannot blame him, you haven't told us who it is."

Avdol spoke, Joestar just shrugging along the way, He knew the stand user pretty well, and his stand but not all too well.

"I am curious as to the other two, are you sure know this person well? and he isn't working for Dio?"

Kakyion butted in, looking at Jotaro to say something, Jotaro just grunted and leaned back even more.

Kakyion half-rolled his eyes and huffed a bit loudly, making Jotaro use his "yare yare daze" phrase.

"Jiji, are you sure you know this guy? You better or else I'm going to use star platinum."

Jotaro grunts again, a slight glare towards his joestar grandpa.

"Yes Yes Yes and YES! you all sound like kids waiting on a road trip or something, also were here."

Joseph Joestar stopped in front of an apartment, a weird feeling all of them felt when they lookout,
from either side of the car, Kakyion, Jotaro, Polnareff, Adbul, and Joseph all stepped out, all of their eyes were dark but not Joseph since he knew who the person/guy was.

Joseph was the first to knock, then again, then again, then... again.

"Mr. Jostar, is he home?" Kakyion looked at the 69-year-old male, he grunts and flushes a bit, he knew the guy was there for sure, just being ignoring him a bit, probably laughing at him as he knocked.

After a free more knock, the Male comes out, wearing his normal attire, leaning on his door frame, a sly smirk on his face.

"Sup." His sly smirk grew a bit more, looking at Joseph who shook his head, then turned around to face the rest of the group.

"This is [Male name!], he is here to help my daughter Holly, he is also a stand user! [Male name] this is Jotaro! he points to the broadening, tall, big built, Japanese.

"He is my grandson, This is Kakyion!"
He points to the tall, slim, Japanese with very bright cherry red hair.

"My grandson Jotaro saved his life and he wanted to come with us, we allowed him to do so."

"This is Avdol!"
He points to the dark-skinned Egyptian Man, with a big coat.

"He is a good friend of mine, he faced Dio once and luckily ran off before he could get controlled."

"and Last but not least, Polnareff."

"tsk! Why was I introduced last? I'm just as important as the rest!"

Polnareff pouted, glaring at the elderly male.

Joestar pointed, He had a tall silver hairdo, a big chest and body, and no eyebrows.

You couldn't lie, He was pretty cute.

[Male name] "Well it's nice to meet you all, My name is [Male name] [Last name], and I as you know am a stand user, I met Joseph at the park when an enemy stand user was attacking us."

Polnareff opened his mouth, getting a small laugh out of him before saying anything, Eyeing you, he goes in front of the doorway, blocking the eyes of the others and giving you a kind grin.

"Can't like, your kinda cute~" Polnareff flirted, You rolling your eyes before raising your hand to flick his nose.

"ow! what was that for!?"
"Mm~ no reason."
You laughed at Polnareff, Polnareff huffing then taking a step back outside, You leaning on the door frame again.

"So, you told me over the phone that Holly was sick because of her stand? Well, I guess I'll help, And besides, I would do anything for Her, she's a lovely woman!" You grinned, letting the men in before closing and locking the door.

"Let me just get my things and I'll be ready to go."

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