Strange Sensation

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...All in all, the subjects were uncooperative and reluctant that we as a foundation are in the wrong, but I feel as though it is still possible to get through to them that they have their ideals mixed up and that we mean no harm. They are not a lost cause yet and should not be disregarded by the Future Foundation.

Naegi exhaled as he finally finished his report about the day's seminar. His eyelids were threatening to droop over his eyes and bring him to the world of dreams. This battle of consciousness was a battle Naegi intended on winning, at least until he made it back on the boat that would take him home. 

He pushed himself off of the chair he was sitting on, tightly gripping onto the desk in front of him for support. He was the last one in his crew to finish his report in the motel, Togami and Kirigiri waiting for him by the dock. 

Naegi took his report off the desk and held it firmly, making his way out of the motel.

The boat was docked on the first island, meaning Naegi would have to cross the bridge to central island, and from there, cross another bridge to the first island. Rubbing his eyes, Naegi started his journey, silently wishing Jabberwock wasn't an archipelago.

Naegi eventually made it over the first bridge on his route, holding onto the railing like his life depended on it. The air was still and dense. Though unmoving, Naegi felt it was completely working against him. His throat felt a tightness he vaguely recognized, though he didn't know from where, and he was beginning to feel lightheaded. All forces of reason were telling him to call for help or sit down and take a break, but an overwhelming unreasoned voice in his head told him to keep trudging along.

He had made it to the central island safely, the only thing lost being his breath. This didn't discourage him at all. He took a step on the bridge and clinged to the railing again, barely standing on his own. By some miracle, he made it to the first island, giving his luck some of the credit for the accomplishment.

At this point, Naegi was walking aimlessly around the island, his awareness of his surroundings dropping tremendously. He felt so weak and defenseless, but in a suffocating way. He stopped walking for a second, wishing he was anywhere but lost on an island in the dark, trying to imagine a better place. 

Maybe in his bed would be more comforting, the covers smothered on top of him. He'd look up to see the plain ceiling... and a masked figure... with a knife. In that scenario, he'd both know exactly what was going on and have no clue what was going on. The only stable emotion in that scenario would be fear.

That was the moment Naegi started to see the world get fuzzier and darker.

He heard a slightly raspy voice call his name, though he swore that was a hallucination. He felt his body go limp, then meeting with cold and shaking arms tightly wrapping around his torso.

Soon enough, his vision went completely black, and he felt nothing at all.

Super short chapter with a stupid reference as the title strictly made for ~suspense~ because I can so yeah.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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